
Monday, August 02, 2010

Banksters are Coming for Your Retirement Next

First, the banksters hoodwinked an angry public into bailing out their collateralized-debt obligations and derivative Ponzi scheme to the tune of what may turn out to be over $600 Trillion dollars. Derivatives are nothing more than bets on other bets, on other bets, that are all completely worthless. So, we can assume that the taxpayer will be victimized for at least that amount for derivatives alone. That’s about $2 million dollars for every man, woman, and child in America, or $100,000 for every person in the world.

They bet big with your investment money, got fat, then lost thousands of times more than everything real on Earth combined. Then, representatives of the people bailed them out (including bonuses) while they laughed all the way to their respective banks. Since government officials are doing their best to reject transparency, we can also only assume this number is much, much larger.'



  1. They can have my retirement money if they want, all zilch of it if they could locate it.
    Let's see l've got....nothing in my wallet until Thursday thanks to the hard drive computer contraption carking it, then l'm rich for another 2 weeks.

  2. The hidden environment 'down the rabbit hole' during 1999-2002 and onward, taught me that this didn't happen for nothing so l don't worry about my future nor money.

    lt didn't happen for me to think about building a nest egg for the future to survive, day by day week by week month by month year by year,
    it will lead somewhere through the maze in life, l bank on that body computer thingy, maybe it was a hidden program that Huw was sent to shut down...l don't know l can only guess.
    He wasn't sent around for the fun of it.

    The bansters can shove the loot up their greedy internets along the elite mob of tools for the bloodline.

  3. The body consciousness computer program is maybe what l should of said.
    l don't know :(



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