
Saturday, March 06, 2010

Lord Of The Lies

Tony Blair has a memoir on the way, and you can smell the wretched stink of its bullshit even before the plastic wrap is peeled off the first copies.

Look at this what this enormous lying cock has to say about the book he was paid, incredibly, as much as £5 million to write:

"I have tried to write a book which describes the human as much as the political dimensions of life as prime minister.

"Though necessarily retrospective, it is an attempt to inform and shape current and future thinking as much as an historical account of the past. Most of all I want readers to have as much pleasure reading it as I had writing it."

Unlikely. He was paid to write it, while readers will pay to read it.

When you see it on your local bookshop shelf, don't forget to take out a fat black pen and write "Fucking Liar Scum!" and "Lord Of The Lies!" on as many pages as you can before you are ejected, or arrested.

Somebody has to do it.


1 comment:

  1. l always correct the rag trade outlets placement of the very few copies of Majesty magazine and place it beside Reptile World magazine or inside the issues.
    I'll have to place this book within the crime and criminal book section when l see it.
    He looks like his being coached on how to smile here with the Queen as photographer.


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