
Thursday, March 04, 2010

Hillary Clinton Slaps Britain in the Face Over the Falklands

The transcript of Hillary Clinton’s press conference in Buenos Aires with Argentine President Kristina Kirchner last night, has just been released by the State Department, and it is a real eye-opener. Her remarks represent an astonishing propaganda coup for the Peronist regime in its dispute with Britain over the Falklands, with Washington brazenly backing its position.'


1 comment:

  1. This bloodline woman has got to be one of Americas most massive attention seeking disorders along with her full time sex fiend, part time husband arrangement Billary l mean Bill, one can't quite say about the 2 of them
    "How you going?, long time no see".

    As like with Al Gores personality disorder below this woman needs to be given a holiday at a funny farm instead of seeking a holiday of attention around the planet pretending to be a secretary for the interests of AmeriKans.


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