
Monday, January 25, 2010

Television, Sex Majick and the 'Brainwashed' Masses

To understand the role that modern television, and other media, plays in the Illuminati Program we have to understand that Mass communication falls under the same sphere of control as military propaganda. In other words, the Illuminati military ruling class manages and owns the global media and uses it to control public perceptions of reality and fiction.'


1 comment:

  1. With 'bloodline' Prince Williams first visit to Australia last week [since he was a baby], it was the Australia medias duty and role to report that we
    [the 'subjects' slaves]
    were apparently in a frenzy of excitement.
    Like this graph/chart above, a poll on whether his visit was relevant to the public revealed the frenzy rot to be pure fiction with a graph almost off the chart in reality.
    80% said NO, 20% said YES.
    If the question asked in the poll was,
    Are the media in a frenzy of excitement at Prince Williams visit l'm certain the result would of been way off the chart with a YES.

    With manipulated, staged front page photos and the fireworks fizzing from within the media show about [really] a young strangers visit to OZ from some dungeon called Windsor,
    reality wasn't even invited to the royal party fantasy downunder in the news, but it did get a peeking laugh at the ball of illusion with invited guests.


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.