
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Dick and Jane Get Crucified on Corfu

The most important thing I can say today is that BP is majority owned by J.P. Morgan which is owned and controlled by the Rothschild Crime Syndicate and the Queen of England who just waddled into the U.S. with a message of peace. Let me contract and concise that statement; BP is Rothschild. BP is Rothschild. BP is Rothschild. Observe the way that BP is doing business; hiring entire police forces, controlling public lands and not even being a citizen or domestic corporate entity, insisting that cleanup workers not wear safety gear because it doesn’t look good and blackmailing fishermen as well as not paying out deserving monies on time… this serves to make hungry families subservient and pliable. This is how Rothschild does business. This is what Rothschild thinks of the world. Did I mention they poisoned the Gulf of Mexico and then further poisoned it in tandem with Goldman Sachs in the use of Corexit? These are some nasty customers.'


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