
Monday, April 19, 2010

Democrat 'Progressivism' Is Prime Rothschild Domination Tool

The Rothschilds are promoting class warfare between the growing bottom and the diminishing middle levels of the population. Their goal is to destroy the middle forever, to create a state conditioned proletarian slave class to serve the elites.

The bottom needs to know that a revolution that merely kills off the middle and plunders their small holdings is not going to set them free.

Only if the middle and the bottom realize that they are in fact one people -- the doctrine of populism -- and that their enemy is the Money Power that has been behind every war and depression for hundreds of years and has robbed the efforts of every working man -- entrepreneur, engineer and skilled laborer -- then we will realize that we were intended by our creator to be one people, brothers and sisters in a common enterprise for the common good based on non-exploitative association and cooperation with individuality, independence, freedom and the common desire to build a better world for all -- where the state serves the common good and prevents any economic elite from emerging and ruling through monopoly and organized crime.'


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