
Sunday, May 03, 2009

Abe Foxman( ADL) is One of the Devil's Inflamed Hemmorrhoids

Let’s face it (with averted, horrified eyes) Abe Foxman is a major player in the infernal kingdom. I toyed with some other illustrations; dead skunk in the middle of the road. The idea had promise. Abe smells at least that bad and he is dead. He’s dead to all human qualities, which makes him sort of like the undead that you see in those zombie films except, he would have to be a dung golem wouldn’t he? Then I considered he might be one of the devil’s butt hairs but I can’t see the devil wasting the kind of nasty talent he has invested in Abe on something as pedestrian as a butt hair.

No… when I thought about hemorrhoids, something just clicked. My understanding of hemorrhoids, I don’t have any but… my understanding is that they itch and burn and are really annoying and no one really wants one in their private places. All that dovetailed perfectly with how I understand Abe Foxman. As I read on, I realized that this is what Abe is but… not just any hemorrhoid; One of the devil’s hemorrhoids.


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