Friday, January 23, 2009
Council Chiefs Sending Snooping Heat Detector Vans Down Your Street
Town halls are photographing houses in the middle of the night to see whether they are wasting energy.
The thermal images, which show heat escaping though windows, doors and roofs, will be sent to homeowners to encourage them to insulate.
Tens of thousands of properties have been photographed over the past few months and there are plans to extend the scheme to every house in the country.
The thermal images, which show heat escaping though windows, doors and roofs, will be sent to homeowners to encourage them to insulate.
Tens of thousands of properties have been photographed over the past few months and there are plans to extend the scheme to every house in the country.
David Miliband is an Embarrassment Strutting the World Stage
David Miliband, aged 44 but with the face of a 30-year-old, has proved yet again he is even more immature than he looks. His performance in India was rude, stupid and politically and diplomatically naive – pretty impressive in a Foreign Secretary
Obama's Nightmare "Green Agenda" Officially Unveiled

However, the secondary phase of the agenda that would counter-balance such a move, the creation of millions of “green” stasi government jobs, has also been announced.
Al Gore,
Carbon Trading,
Global Warming Scam,
Obama Fraud
Zioist ADL's Foxman: Mitchell is Too Fair and Even Handed to Serve as Middle East Envoy
The media is reporting that former Sen. George Mitchell, who handled the Northern Ireland peace process, is being eyed by the Obama administration to be a top diplomatic envoy to the Middle East. In 2001, Mitchell produced a report on the Middle East which recommended that Israel freeze all its settlement activities. Without a freeze, a cessation of violence would be “particularly hard to sustain,” he argued. While Mitchell’s impending appointment is earning a great deal of praise, the Anti-Defamation League’s Abe Foxman complains the diplomat is too fair and balanced for the post.
Middle East,
Zionist criminal
LLoyds TSB Blocks Aid To Gaza
On 8 October 2008 Lloyds TSB wrote to the Islamic Bank of Britain (IBB), giving them 60 days notice of withdrawal of their services as a clearing bank, unless they agreed they would no longer process transactions for Interpal, a charity sending aid to Palestinians in Gaza.
In effect, this meant that the IBB would have to close down or freeze Interpal’s account or lose clearing facilities for all its customers’ accounts. After representations from The IBB, Lloyds TSB agreed to postpone this action until 30 January 2009.
The reasons for this action? Lloyds TSB allege that Interpal have links with terrorist supporters of Hamas.
Two such previous allegations have been investigated by the Charity Commission and proved unfounded. Since Hamas are the democratically elected party running Gaza, it would be difficult for an aid organisation delivering aid to Palestinians not to have some involvement with them.
Interestingly, the chairman of Lloyds, Sir Victor Blank, is former chair of the Union of Jewish Students, one of ‘Labour Friends of Israel’, governor of Tel Aviv University and a member of the Jewish Leadership Council. Some bias there perhaps?
So what can we do? I phoned the Lloyds TSB press office (020 7356 2493) to register my disgust as a customer and now part owner of the bank (since the bail-out with British tax-payers money).
The response I got was that they could not comment on individual cases due to customer confidentiality. Instead I was referred to their laughably named ‘Customer Service Recovery’ department.
You can write to them at; Lloyds TSB Customer Service Recovery, P.O. Box 63, Birmingham, B1 2AB. Or write to Sir Victor Blank Chairman Lloyds TSB Group plc, 25 Gresham St, London, EC2V 7HN.
Sign the online petition at http://www.PetitionOnline.com/FOSISPal
Alternatively, join the demonstrations happening outside a branch near you. Outrage
In effect, this meant that the IBB would have to close down or freeze Interpal’s account or lose clearing facilities for all its customers’ accounts. After representations from The IBB, Lloyds TSB agreed to postpone this action until 30 January 2009.
The reasons for this action? Lloyds TSB allege that Interpal have links with terrorist supporters of Hamas.
Two such previous allegations have been investigated by the Charity Commission and proved unfounded. Since Hamas are the democratically elected party running Gaza, it would be difficult for an aid organisation delivering aid to Palestinians not to have some involvement with them.
Interestingly, the chairman of Lloyds, Sir Victor Blank, is former chair of the Union of Jewish Students, one of ‘Labour Friends of Israel’, governor of Tel Aviv University and a member of the Jewish Leadership Council. Some bias there perhaps?
So what can we do? I phoned the Lloyds TSB press office (020 7356 2493) to register my disgust as a customer and now part owner of the bank (since the bail-out with British tax-payers money).
The response I got was that they could not comment on individual cases due to customer confidentiality. Instead I was referred to their laughably named ‘Customer Service Recovery’ department.
You can write to them at; Lloyds TSB Customer Service Recovery, P.O. Box 63, Birmingham, B1 2AB. Or write to Sir Victor Blank Chairman Lloyds TSB Group plc, 25 Gresham St, London, EC2V 7HN.
Sign the online petition at http://www.PetitionOnline.com/FOSISPal
Alternatively, join the demonstrations happening outside a branch near you. Outrage
Zionist BBC Refuses To Air Gaza Charity Appeal
The BBC (Brown Broadcating Corporation) has refused to broadcast a national humanitarian appeal for Gaza, leaving aid agencies with a potential shortfall of millions of pounds in donations.
The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), an umbrella organisation for 13 aid charities, launched its appealtoday saying the devastation in Gaza was "so huge that British aid agencies were compelled to act".
But the BBC made a rare breach of an agreement dating back to 1963 when it announced it would not give free airtime to the appeal. Other broadcasters then followed suit. Previously, broadcasters have agreed on the video and script to be used with the DEC, with each station choosing a presenter to front the appeal, shown after primetime news bulletins.
Just one more reason to stop paying your licence fee!
The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), an umbrella organisation for 13 aid charities, launched its appealtoday saying the devastation in Gaza was "so huge that British aid agencies were compelled to act".
But the BBC made a rare breach of an agreement dating back to 1963 when it announced it would not give free airtime to the appeal. Other broadcasters then followed suit. Previously, broadcasters have agreed on the video and script to be used with the DEC, with each station choosing a presenter to front the appeal, shown after primetime news bulletins.
Just one more reason to stop paying your licence fee!
Gaza Concentration Camp,
Soviet UK
Obama: This Emperor Has No Clothes, It Will All End In Tears
This will end in tears. The Obama hysteria is not merely embarrassing to witness, it is itself contributory to the scale of the disaster that is coming. What we are experiencing, in the deepening days of a global depression, is the desperate suspension of disbelief by people of intelligence - la trahison des clercs - in a pathetic effort to hypnotise themselves into the delusion that it will be all right on the night. It will not be all right.
We have been here before. In the spring of 1997, to be precise, when a charismatic, young prime minister entered Downing Street, cheered by children bussed in for the occasion waving plastic Union Jacks. A very few of us at that time incurred searing reproaches for denouncing the Great Charlatan (as I have always denominated Tony Blair) and dissenting from the public hysteria. Three times a deluded Britain elected that transparent fraud. Yesterday, when national bankruptcy became a formal reality, we reaped the bitter harvest of the Blair/Brown imposture.
We have been here before. In the spring of 1997, to be precise, when a charismatic, young prime minister entered Downing Street, cheered by children bussed in for the occasion waving plastic Union Jacks. A very few of us at that time incurred searing reproaches for denouncing the Great Charlatan (as I have always denominated Tony Blair) and dissenting from the public hysteria. Three times a deluded Britain elected that transparent fraud. Yesterday, when national bankruptcy became a formal reality, we reaped the bitter harvest of the Blair/Brown imposture.
Israeli War Criminals Maintain Blockade of Gaza
Israel has all but ruled out fully reopening border crossings with the Gaza Strip as long as Hamas rules the enclave or stands to benefit from easing of the restrictions, a top adviser to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said.
The Dream Of Euripides Is Dying

In the lower half, concealed from what we think of as our opportunities; we can see what we have made of that bright vision of that fantasy world above. Pollution, oil pumps, the roots of the world amid the chaos of our failures and the trash we so abundantly produce in mega-volumes. That is what we have allowed 'the developed world' to become: A world composed of "NO" and "DON'T" and "STOP." It is a world without light or grace or freedom of any kind.
It is the underbelly of unchecked capitalism as we practice it and as we worship the material- philosophy with an incessant and nearly religious 'consumerism.'
Israel Usd Gaza Invasion as Opportunity To Confiscate West Bank Land
Land confiscations in the West Bank are continuing, said Minister of Waqf and Religious Affairs Jamal Bawatneh, and soon there will be no land to hold a Palestinian state.In a Tuesday letter the minister expressed his concern over the continued confiscations while "whole world was preoccupied with Gaza," and accused Israel of using the attacks as a free-ticket to act in the West Bank.
What Ceasefire? - Israeli Gunboat Targets Gaza Civilians
Dr. Moaiya Hassanain said Thursday that a shell fired by the gunboat hit a house in a beachside refugee camp. He said the wounded were passersby in the street, AP reported. Gunboats off Gaza have been firing for several days despite a cease-fire, which ended a three-week Israeli offensive, being in place.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
'Israeli Nukes Threaten World'
Geneva-based Iranian diplomat Ali-Reza Moayyeri said Tuesday that Israel's extreme measures against Gazan civilians should bring world attention to the threat posed by Tel Aviv's stockpile of nuclear warheads. “No word can do justice to the extent of Israel's war crimes in the Gaza over the past three weeks,” said Moayyeri.
Bill Gates Spends $630 Million to Vaccinate Children Against Polio
It sounds like a noble cause: A $630 million donation from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to "eradicate polio" around the world. There's only one problem: The vaccination approach to world health utterly ignores the far greater problem of nutrition, vitamin D and immune support for children who already have the immune system technology to resist polio infections -- it just needs proper nutritional support.
Gordon Brown Brings Britain to the Edge of Bankruptcy
They don't know what they're doing, do they? With every step taken by the Government as it tries frantically to prop up the British banking system, this central truth becomes ever more obvious.
Yesterday marked a new low for all involved, even by the standards of this crisis. Britons woke to news of the enormity of the fresh horrors in store. Despite all the sophistry and outdated boom-era terminology from experts, I think a far greater number of people than is imagined grasp at root what is happening here.
The country stands on the precipice. We are at risk of utter humiliation, of London becoming a Reykjavik on Thames and Britain going under. Thanks to the arrogance, hubristic strutting and serial incompetence of the Government and a group of bankers, the possibility of national bankruptcy is not unrealistic.
The political impact will be seismic; anger will rage. The haunted looks on the faces of those in supporting roles, such as the Chancellor, suggest they have worked out that a tragedy is unfolding here. Gordon Brown is engaged no longer in a standard battle for re-election; instead he is fighting to avoid going down in history disgraced completely.
Yesterday marked a new low for all involved, even by the standards of this crisis. Britons woke to news of the enormity of the fresh horrors in store. Despite all the sophistry and outdated boom-era terminology from experts, I think a far greater number of people than is imagined grasp at root what is happening here.
The country stands on the precipice. We are at risk of utter humiliation, of London becoming a Reykjavik on Thames and Britain going under. Thanks to the arrogance, hubristic strutting and serial incompetence of the Government and a group of bankers, the possibility of national bankruptcy is not unrealistic.
The political impact will be seismic; anger will rage. The haunted looks on the faces of those in supporting roles, such as the Chancellor, suggest they have worked out that a tragedy is unfolding here. Gordon Brown is engaged no longer in a standard battle for re-election; instead he is fighting to avoid going down in history disgraced completely.
Obama Rejects Afghan Peace Proposals
The Obama transition team has already rejected out of hand a plan for a negotiated peace settlement in Afghanistan which had been approved by the Karzai government as well as by its opponents. A leading mainstream German Afghanistan expert, Christoph Hörstel, who had attempted to play the role of a back channel between Afghan circles and the Obama team, reports that his approach with this peace plan was brusquely rejected by Obama's top Afghan advisor, who is not named in the report.
Depopulation, Destruction and Displacement of the Palestinian People

For Palestinians, the Nakba "Catastrophe" is their "Holocaust" six-month slaughter and displacement before and after the May 1948 establishment of Israel.
In December 1947, Jews in Palestine numbered 600,000 compared to 1.3 million Palestinians. David Ben-Gurion ordered them removed and for "Every attack....to end with occupation, destruction and expulsion.
"He meant depopulation, destruction, mass slaughter, displacement, and erasing a proud people's history. Palestine was to become Israel.
Most of the job was completed, more in 1967, and thereafter incrementally until total dispossession is achieved.
Gaza is the latest battleground. More ahead is planned. The struggle for liberation continues.
Israeli war criminals,
Israel Denies Medical Teams, Food Supplies Entry to Gaza
Israel has denied Human Rights Watch and aid agencies entry to the Gaza Strip as Palestinians grapple with a shortage of vital supplies.Israeli officials on Wednesday refused to allow prominent European medical teams and Human Rights Watch representatives to cross the border into the beleaguered strip.
Israel Threatens Gazans With Another Attack
Israel has threatened to launch a new strike against Gaza after having failed to diminish Hamas's power through three weeks of offensive."During the operation that we have carried out in the Gaza Strip we have destroyed 150 tunnels, including some which were targeted several times...If we are forced to, there will be more attacks," said Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Wednesday.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Michael Hoffman's "Judaism Discovered From Its Own Texts"

We are in crisis. It's time we listened to plainspoken pariahs like Michael Hoffman. Anti-Semitism is on the rise and Hoffman's book explains why this is not irrational "hate." It's more important for Jews than anyone to learn that they are associated with a "religion" they don't really understand.
Music Teachers Are Ordered to Wear Earmuffs by Health and Safety Watchdog
School music teachers have been warned to wear earmuffs or stand behind noise screens to protect their hearing.
This is because beginners tend to blast away much louder than professionals
This is because beginners tend to blast away much louder than professionals
Israel Wants Full Control Of Gaza Reconstruction
Israel is insisting that any money allocated to Gaza’s reconstruction not go to Hamas or its affiliates, and that the United Nations sends a detailed list of required equipment for approval before it enters the Strip.
Tents In Desert Reveal Israeli Plan To Transfer Gazans To Egypt
After flattening many parts of Gaza with aerial bombardment and ground artillery, Israel may be planning to transfer the now homeless refugees to Egypt, where hundreds of tents have been set up near Rafah. One local blogger said that a soldier told him there are many more tents being prepared, as well.
Israeli Farmers Claim UK, Jordan and Scandinavia Boycotting Israeli Fruit
Fruit growers disappointed by canceled orders from abroad, leaving produce to rot in warehouses
Every Country in the world should be boycotting all Israeli goods Full Stop!
Every Country in the world should be boycotting all Israeli goods Full Stop!
The Dark Roots Of The EU

It's Time To Consider An Alternative Currency
In Russell Hoban's novel Riddley Walker, the descendants of nuclear holocaust survivors seek amid the rubble the key to recovering their lost civilisation. They end up believing that the answer is to re-invent the atom bomb. I was reminded of this when I read the government's new plans to save us from the credit crunch. It intends - at gobsmacking public expense - to persuade the banks to start lending again, at levels similar to those of 2007. Isn't this what caused the problem in the first place? Are insane levels of lending really the solution to a crisis caused by insane levels of lending?
Yes, I know that without money there's no business, and without business there are no jobs. I also know that most of the money in circulation is issued, through fractional reserve banking, in the form of debt. This means that you can't solve one problem (a lack of money) without causing another (a mountain of debt). There must be a better way than this.
Yes, I know that without money there's no business, and without business there are no jobs. I also know that most of the money in circulation is issued, through fractional reserve banking, in the form of debt. This means that you can't solve one problem (a lack of money) without causing another (a mountain of debt). There must be a better way than this.
Public Anger Growing Over Irresponsible Banks
Mr Brown admitted that taxpayers were justified at feeling angry that billions of pounds worth of their cash was being used to support the banks as a result of their behaviour.
As the rescue package was unveiled in the Commons, MPs from across the House condemned their excesses and called for greater constraints in future in return for the Government’s help.
As the rescue package was unveiled in the Commons, MPs from across the House condemned their excesses and called for greater constraints in future in return for the Government’s help.
John Pilger: Holocaust Denied
“When the truth is replaced by silence”, the Soviet dissident Yevgeny Yevtushenko said, “the silence is a lie”.
It may appear the silence is broken on Gaza. The cocoons of murdered children, wrapped in green, together with boxes containing their dismembered parents and the cries of grief and rage of everyone in that death camp by the sea, can be viewed on Al Jazeera and YouTube, even glimpsed on the BBC.
But Russia’s incorrigible poet was not referring to the ephemeral we call news; he was asking why those who knew the why never spoke it and so denied it.
It may appear the silence is broken on Gaza. The cocoons of murdered children, wrapped in green, together with boxes containing their dismembered parents and the cries of grief and rage of everyone in that death camp by the sea, can be viewed on Al Jazeera and YouTube, even glimpsed on the BBC.
But Russia’s incorrigible poet was not referring to the ephemeral we call news; he was asking why those who knew the why never spoke it and so denied it.
Israeli war criminals,
Soviet UK,
The Answer Is Hiding in Plain Sight

When Bush went to board Marine One for the flight from the White House to Andrews Air Force Base he and Cheney should have been arrested by US Marshals, backed up by US Marines and taken immediately to Ft.Leavenworth, to await their trials, in solitary confinement, for war-crimes and treason against the people of theUnited States.
Face Scanners to be Introduced in British Schools in New 'Big Brother' Row
Face scanners to speed up pupil registration and queues for lunches were helping to create a Big Brother regime in schools, it was claimed yesterday.
Infra-red recognition systems - similar to those introduced at passport controls - are able to scan children's faces as they approach the school entrance.
They can also recognise them as they buy dinners or borrow library books.
Infra-red recognition systems - similar to those introduced at passport controls - are able to scan children's faces as they approach the school entrance.
They can also recognise them as they buy dinners or borrow library books.
Big Brother,
Civil Liberties,
Schools Britain,
Obama- Lies, Which Obama Did You Vote For?
Israeli Warplanes Attacking Gaza After Ceasefire
The attack which came on Tuesday evening caused no casualties, the Israeli daily Jerusalem Post reported. The report claimed the warplanes targeted a rocket launcher in the region. No one has confirmed it yet.
Israel's Next War: Today the Gaza Strip, Tomorrow Lebanon?
In the Middle East, it is widely believed that the war against Gaza is an extension of the 2006 war against Lebanon. Without question, the war in the Gaza Strip is a part of the same conflict.
Moreover, since the Israeli defeat in 2006, Tel Aviv and Washington have not abandoned their design to turn Lebanon into a client state.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told France's President Nicolas Sarkozy, in so many words, during his visit to Tel Aviv in early January that today Israel was attacking Hamas in the Gaza Strip and that tomorrow it would be fighting Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Moreover, since the Israeli defeat in 2006, Tel Aviv and Washington have not abandoned their design to turn Lebanon into a client state.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told France's President Nicolas Sarkozy, in so many words, during his visit to Tel Aviv in early January that today Israel was attacking Hamas in the Gaza Strip and that tomorrow it would be fighting Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Constant War,
Free Gaza,
Israeli war criminals,
Obama Inauguration: Slide on Wall Street. Where have all the Creditors Gone?...
Across the land, an atmosphere of hope and optimism prevails. The Bush regime has gone. A new president is in the White House.
While America had its eyes riveted on the live TV broadcast of Barack Obama's presidential inauguration, financial markets were sliding. A major "market correction" had occurred. Removed from the public eye, virtually unnoticed, a new stage of the financial crisis has unfolded.
Immediately following the inauguration, the Dow Jones plummeted, largely affecting the share prices of major financial institutions.
While America had its eyes riveted on the live TV broadcast of Barack Obama's presidential inauguration, financial markets were sliding. A major "market correction" had occurred. Removed from the public eye, virtually unnoticed, a new stage of the financial crisis has unfolded.
Immediately following the inauguration, the Dow Jones plummeted, largely affecting the share prices of major financial institutions.
Banking scam,
Money Scam,
Obama Fraud,
Wall street
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Exposing Obama's Public Service Agenda

No sooner did Obama get elected on November 4, 2008, that millions of Americans went to their local Gun Stores to prepare for Obama’s presidency with a fully equipped arsenal of firearms and ammunition. What does this tell us about ‘most Americans looking forward’ to Obama in the White House?… Foreboding, anxiety, and much caution, is what most Americans ‘look forward to” with Obama as president.
Fascist Dictatorship,
Coastguards Can't Start a Rescue Until They Fill Out a Healthy and Safety Assessment
Coastguards have been ordered to fill in a health and safety questionnaire before they can respond to calls for help.
All 400 of Britain's rescue units have been told that before they travel to an accident scene they must complete a 'vehicle pre-journey risk assessment'.
It is feared lives may be lost as vital minutes could be taken up with the assessments just as rescuers are preparing their response to emergency callouts.
All 400 of Britain's rescue units have been told that before they travel to an accident scene they must complete a 'vehicle pre-journey risk assessment'.
It is feared lives may be lost as vital minutes could be taken up with the assessments just as rescuers are preparing their response to emergency callouts.
'Torrent' of Labour Laws Angers One Of Britain's Top Judges
One of Britain's most senior judges delivered a scathing attack yesterday on the 'ceaseless torrent' of new laws.
Lord Phillips, who is to head the new Supreme Court, said that too much legislation had done nothing to cut crime while laying heavy burdens on judges and the courts.
He singled out new sexual offences as particularly pointless. Some, he said, have 'yet to see the face of an indictment'.
Laws that rely on 'hearsay and bad character' have also clogged the courts with appeals, he said.
Lord Phillips, who is to head the new Supreme Court, said that too much legislation had done nothing to cut crime while laying heavy burdens on judges and the courts.
He singled out new sexual offences as particularly pointless. Some, he said, have 'yet to see the face of an indictment'.
Laws that rely on 'hearsay and bad character' have also clogged the courts with appeals, he said.
The Demonisation of Home Schooling in Britain
Thousands of children supposedly educated at home by their parents are at risk of abuse, neglect, forced marriage, sexual exploitation or domestic servitude, the Government said yesterday.
Baroness Morgan of Drefelin, the Children's Minister, has ordered a review of the rules covering the estimated 20,000 home-educated children in England and the 20,000 or so labelled as “missing from education”, who have dropped out of school before the age of 16.
Baroness Morgan of Drefelin, the Children's Minister, has ordered a review of the rules covering the estimated 20,000 home-educated children in England and the 20,000 or so labelled as “missing from education”, who have dropped out of school before the age of 16.
Germany 1940 - Israel 2009

Israeli war criminals,
It's Time To Pray For Global Warming
If you're wondering why North America is starting to resemble nuclear winter, then you missed the news.
At December's U.N. Global Warming conference in Poznan, Poland, 650 of the world's top climatologists stood up and said man-made global warming is a media generated myth without basis. Said climatologist Dr. David Gee, Chairman of the International Geological Congress, "For how many years must the planet cool before we begin to understand that the planet is not warming?"
I asked myself, why would such obviously smart guy say such a ridiculous thing? But it turns out he's right.
At December's U.N. Global Warming conference in Poznan, Poland, 650 of the world's top climatologists stood up and said man-made global warming is a media generated myth without basis. Said climatologist Dr. David Gee, Chairman of the International Geological Congress, "For how many years must the planet cool before we begin to understand that the planet is not warming?"
I asked myself, why would such obviously smart guy say such a ridiculous thing? But it turns out he's right.
EU Imposed Lightbulbs Are Making People Sick
Compact fluorescent light bulbs are filling home and office environments with dangerous electromagnetic pollution, causing devastating health effects on some people. Neurologists are increasingly taking notice of the headaches and migraines being reported by people exposed to compact fluorescent light bulbs.
Silent Cops Sued
Cops are refusing to explain why a Queens 5-year-old who threw a tantrum and a 16-year-old who used a cellphone in school were hauled to psych wards for evaluation last year, according to a new lawsuit.
US and Israel Conducted Nazi Style medical Experiments - 100,000 Radiations
In 1951, the director general of the Israeli Health Ministry, Dr. Chaim Sheba flew to America and returned with 7 x-ray machines, supplied to him by the American army.
They were to be used in a mass atomic experiment with an entire generation of Sephardi youths to be used as guinea pigs. Every Sephardi child was to be given 35,000 times the maximum dose of x-rays through his head. For doing so, the American government paid the Israeli government 300,000 Israeli liras a year. The entire Health budget was 60,000 liras. The money paid by the Americans is equivalent to billions of dollars today.
To fool the parents of the victims, the children were taken away on "school trips" and their parents were later told the x-rays were a treatment for the scourge of scalpal ringworm. 6,000 of the children died shortly after their doses were given, the many of the rest developed cancers that killed them over time and are still killing them now. While living, the victims suffered from disorders such as epilepsy, amnesia, Alzheimer's disease, chronic headaches and psychosis.
They were to be used in a mass atomic experiment with an entire generation of Sephardi youths to be used as guinea pigs. Every Sephardi child was to be given 35,000 times the maximum dose of x-rays through his head. For doing so, the American government paid the Israeli government 300,000 Israeli liras a year. The entire Health budget was 60,000 liras. The money paid by the Americans is equivalent to billions of dollars today.
To fool the parents of the victims, the children were taken away on "school trips" and their parents were later told the x-rays were a treatment for the scourge of scalpal ringworm. 6,000 of the children died shortly after their doses were given, the many of the rest developed cancers that killed them over time and are still killing them now. While living, the victims suffered from disorders such as epilepsy, amnesia, Alzheimer's disease, chronic headaches and psychosis.
Israeli war criminals,
US Terrorists
'Israeli Pullout, a Favor to Obama'
On the eve of the US president-elect Barack Obama's inauguration, Tel Aviv is reported to be preparing its forces for a complete withdrawal from the coastal sliver, unnamed Israeli officials were quoted by AP as saying on Monday.
The planned measure, which comes following a 23-day Israeli aggression in the area, is said to be aimed at protecting Israel's relations with the US by not putting “Obama in a difficult situation once taking office,” RIA Novosti reported.
They wanted it all over before the Inauguration so their puppet wouldnt feel uncomfortable!
The planned measure, which comes following a 23-day Israeli aggression in the area, is said to be aimed at protecting Israel's relations with the US by not putting “Obama in a difficult situation once taking office,” RIA Novosti reported.
They wanted it all over before the Inauguration so their puppet wouldnt feel uncomfortable!
Help Ireland or it Will Exit Euro, Economist Warns
"This is war: countries have to defend themselves," said David McWilliams, a former official at the Irish central bank.
"It is essential that we go to Europe and say we have a serious problem. We say, either we default or we pull out of Europe," he told RTE radio.
"It is essential that we go to Europe and say we have a serious problem. We say, either we default or we pull out of Europe," he told RTE radio.
Spot The Difference
The killing line is " We Pledge to be Servants to Obama"
Paint Cities White to Tackle Global Warming, Mad Scientist Says
Hashem Akbari believes that whitening 100 of the world's largest cities could wipe out the effect of the expected increase in emissions over the next decade.
White buildings and surfaces reflect far more sunlight than dark ones. Reflected sunlight does not contribute to the greenhouse effect, unlike the heat energy emitted by dark surfaces heated by the sun.
You just couldn't make it up could you. Well obviously Al Gore can!
White buildings and surfaces reflect far more sunlight than dark ones. Reflected sunlight does not contribute to the greenhouse effect, unlike the heat energy emitted by dark surfaces heated by the sun.
You just couldn't make it up could you. Well obviously Al Gore can!
Israeli Soldiers Withdraw - Gunboats Still Shelling Gaza
Israeli military boats have continued to fire on Gaza shore despite the two unilaterally declared ceasefires from Israel and Gaza factions.The morning hours of Monday witnessed a number of violations on the Israeli side, including a naval gunboat aiming its weapons and firing on an area near Gaza City. No injuries were reported.
Cease Fire,
Gaza Israeli Navy,
Israeli war criminals
Israeli Rabbis To Olmert: Wipe Out All The Palestinians
A report issued by the Saudi Al-Watan news paper revealed Saturday that Jewish rabbis in the Zionist entity have issued a religious edict allowing the killing of Palestinian women and children and exonerating every Jew doing such horrible thing.
According to the paper, the rabbis opined that the Israeli massacres in Gaza Strip falls in line with Jewish teachings that consider such killing as "mass punishment to the enemies".
The paper also added that one of the rabbis opined that there would be no problem at all in exterminating the Palestinian people even if one million or more of them were killed at the hands of the occupation troops.
According to the paper, the rabbis opined that the Israeli massacres in Gaza Strip falls in line with Jewish teachings that consider such killing as "mass punishment to the enemies".
The paper also added that one of the rabbis opined that there would be no problem at all in exterminating the Palestinian people even if one million or more of them were killed at the hands of the occupation troops.
UN: 200,000 Gazans Displace by The Violence
The Gaza-based Mezan Centre for Human Rights estimates that 150,000 Palestinians have fled to homes of relatives and friends while the UN said that more than 45,000 Gazans are crowded into 49 UN schools that have been converted into shelters.
Israel's 18-month siege of Gaza has trapped the 1.5 million impoverished inhabitants in a virtual prison camp, just 25 miles long and seven miles wide. Only those with foreign passports were permitted to leave during the 22-day assault.
Israel's 18-month siege of Gaza has trapped the 1.5 million impoverished inhabitants in a virtual prison camp, just 25 miles long and seven miles wide. Only those with foreign passports were permitted to leave during the 22-day assault.
New RFID Technology Allows You to be Tracked WITHOUT Your Knowledge
By invitation, I recently visited a remote facility in northern Virginia to see a demonstration of NOX – a new Intelligent Perimeter Defense system deployed by the FBI that uses covert Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to track people and assets without their knowledge.
One of the more covert technologies they employ is ID-Dust, serialized dust particles that can be interrogated like a RFID tag. The NOX team can coat a person or object with it to track movement. ID-Dust can show if an item was handled or it can even be sprinkled on the floor. People unknowingly pick up the ID-Dust on their shoes as they travel through a dusted area. The software combines the video surveillance and RFID information to create an association between the ID-Dust and a person. The ID-Dust allows the person's movement to be tracked around a facility without the person ever knowing he or she is being tracked. While a criminal can easily defeat the motion sensors, the ID-Dust provides covert security with instant alerts when someone enters an area, plus a complete history of exactly where each person traveled and when.
One of the more covert technologies they employ is ID-Dust, serialized dust particles that can be interrogated like a RFID tag. The NOX team can coat a person or object with it to track movement. ID-Dust can show if an item was handled or it can even be sprinkled on the floor. People unknowingly pick up the ID-Dust on their shoes as they travel through a dusted area. The software combines the video surveillance and RFID information to create an association between the ID-Dust and a person. The ID-Dust allows the person's movement to be tracked around a facility without the person ever knowing he or she is being tracked. While a criminal can easily defeat the motion sensors, the ID-Dust provides covert security with instant alerts when someone enters an area, plus a complete history of exactly where each person traveled and when.
Big Brother,
Civil Liberties,
Israeli Terrorist Livni Blasted By The Press
Monday, January 19, 2009
Unlimited Bailout For UK Banking Scam
The Treasury has formally announced a scheme to allow banks to exchange cash or shares for a Government guarantee on their "toxic" debts, transferring any losses they suffer from the banks to the taxpayer.
However, the Chancellor admitted he can't estimate how much taxpayers' money will needed in the latest bailout.
"We're doing it, because if the banking system collapsed, every single one of us, the economy would come down with it. I don't think anyone would argue you ought to let that happen," he said.
Read more Bullshit here...
However, the Chancellor admitted he can't estimate how much taxpayers' money will needed in the latest bailout.
"We're doing it, because if the banking system collapsed, every single one of us, the economy would come down with it. I don't think anyone would argue you ought to let that happen," he said.
Read more Bullshit here...
Banking scam,
Rip Off Britain,
Soviet UK,
Taxpayers money
'Memory Pill' That Could Help With Exam Revision Could be Available Soon
The medicine has been designed originally to help treat Alzheimer's disease, but could be adapted and licensed for sale in a weaker form within the next few years.
One brand of memory-enhancing pill is being developed by the multinational company AstraZeneca in collaboration with Targacept, an American company, while Epix Pharmaceuticals, also from the US, is developing another.
Big Pharma targetting the children again with Psychotropic drugs!!! ALL FOR PROFIT
One brand of memory-enhancing pill is being developed by the multinational company AstraZeneca in collaboration with Targacept, an American company, while Epix Pharmaceuticals, also from the US, is developing another.
Big Pharma targetting the children again with Psychotropic drugs!!! ALL FOR PROFIT
Parents Offered Electronic Tags for Children in Shopping Centre
The devices, attached to a child's wrist, set off an alarm if they stray near any of the exits.
The tags will be offered to parents shopping at the giant £1.6bn Westfield centre which opened in west London in October.
In 2002 scientists at Reading University devised a scheme in which children could be implanted with a permanent microchip to monitor their whereabouts. It came in the wake of the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman but was criticised by childrens' groups including Kidscape and Barnardo's who said it was an overreaction that would not benefit children in the longer term.
This article is more listed to be able to progress the population into being tagged and ultimately chipped than for any safety interest.
The tags will be offered to parents shopping at the giant £1.6bn Westfield centre which opened in west London in October.
In 2002 scientists at Reading University devised a scheme in which children could be implanted with a permanent microchip to monitor their whereabouts. It came in the wake of the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman but was criticised by childrens' groups including Kidscape and Barnardo's who said it was an overreaction that would not benefit children in the longer term.
This article is more listed to be able to progress the population into being tagged and ultimately chipped than for any safety interest.
Flo White - Reptilian Brain
First there was the super groove tune, "Money Bomb", perhaps the freshest, wittiest, and 'on topic' video released this century, Flo White now has their follow up monsterously delicious creation, proudly featuring angels, reptiles, biblical babes and phosphorus bombs, it is aptly called "Reptilian Brain". I rate it one- High Five Must See. -David Dees
TV Licence Fee Cash Guarantees House Prices of Relocated BBC Staff
The prices of hundreds of homes owned by BBC employees in London will be guaranteed by licence-fee payers under a relocation package aimed at enticing staff to Salford.
Employees will also receive £5,000 in relocation expenses, up to £3,000 to pay for new carpets and curtains and will keep thousands of pounds in London weighting allowances, it emerged yesterday. The decision to use the licence fee to underwrite property values in a falling housing market has been condemned as unacceptable.
Just stop paying your licence Fee in protest. I am !
Employees will also receive £5,000 in relocation expenses, up to £3,000 to pay for new carpets and curtains and will keep thousands of pounds in London weighting allowances, it emerged yesterday. The decision to use the licence fee to underwrite property values in a falling housing market has been condemned as unacceptable.
Just stop paying your licence Fee in protest. I am !
Under Obama, Feds May Still Snoop Library Files
Big Brother,
Civil Liberties,
China: Dazzling UFO Seen and Filmed by Eight Firefighters

Luckily for Wang he was able to find a Panasonic camera used by his comrades to record damage caused by fires that allowed him to zoom in on the mysterious object seven hundred times. At that point Wang could see that the object was in fact two rotating spinning top shaped crafts or halves of a whole craft joined at a their bases. They were flashing a multitude of colours: Purple, red, blue, orange, white and gold.
Wang then called his eight fellow fire-fighters out and they observed the slow moving craft for almost an hour until the craft suddenly vanished.
Name and Shame British “Friends of Israel”
In the 23 days of the Israeli war on Gaza that began on 27 December 2008, 1300 Palestinians have been killed by the Zionist war machine, including 417 children and 108 women, and a further 5320 have been injured. In the same period, 13 Israelis were killed. That is a ration of 100:1, excluding the injured.
In the meantime, Israel’s network of stooges in the British Parliament have been fighting a rear-guard action to justify the slaughter of Palestinians. You will find them justifying Israeli crimes at every opportunity and prevaricating to avoid action against Israel, such as sanctions in the wake of Israel’s targeting of United Nations compounds in Gaza, for example. They are apologists for murder.
Israel’s stooges in Britain are spread far and wide and can be found at every tier of the British establishment. They include Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Foreign Secretary David Miliband, former Prime Minister Tony Blair and many other serving and former holders of political office.
At the core of Israel’s network of stooges are the “Friends of Israel” groups in the three main political parties:
Labour Friends of Israel
Conservative Friends of Israel and
Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel.
Below is a list of officials of the “Friends of Israel” groups in the Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democratic parties. It is by no means exhaustive. Conservative Friends of Israel, for example, say that about 80 per cent of the party’s MPs and MEPs belong to the group.
In the meantime, Israel’s network of stooges in the British Parliament have been fighting a rear-guard action to justify the slaughter of Palestinians. You will find them justifying Israeli crimes at every opportunity and prevaricating to avoid action against Israel, such as sanctions in the wake of Israel’s targeting of United Nations compounds in Gaza, for example. They are apologists for murder.
Israel’s stooges in Britain are spread far and wide and can be found at every tier of the British establishment. They include Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Foreign Secretary David Miliband, former Prime Minister Tony Blair and many other serving and former holders of political office.
At the core of Israel’s network of stooges are the “Friends of Israel” groups in the three main political parties:
Labour Friends of Israel
Conservative Friends of Israel and
Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel.
Below is a list of officials of the “Friends of Israel” groups in the Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democratic parties. It is by no means exhaustive. Conservative Friends of Israel, for example, say that about 80 per cent of the party’s MPs and MEPs belong to the group.
Palestinian Children Found With Bullets In Their Heads

On just one day last week, staff at the Al Arish hospital in Sinai were called to perform CAT scans on a nine year old, two 10 year olds and a 14 year old, each of whom had a bullet lodged in their brain after coming under fire during the Israeli ground assault on Gaza.
NASA UFO Fraud Might Save Gary McKinnon
Evidence that U.S. space agency NASA has defrauded U.S. taxpayers for billions of dollars could scrap NASA’s case against UK hacker Gary McKinnon. Credible witnesses have claimed that NASA has altered or destroyed its photos containing images of UFOs. This could become a legal and public relations nightmare for NASA.
Scottish Police Want An End To Trial By Jury
SCOTLAND'S SENIOR police officers have told ministers the automatic right to trial by jury for the most serious crimes should be abolished. The Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (Acpos) said juries should remain the general rule in criminal trials, but in long and complex cases "a jury may be disposed of ... with such trials proceeding in another manner".
Options include a single judge sitting alone or a panel of judges.
Acpos also said ministers should be consulted on which trials are run without a jury - a fundamental break from the current system, where the Crown Office decides how to prosecute cases independently of politicians.
Options include a single judge sitting alone or a panel of judges.
Acpos also said ministers should be consulted on which trials are run without a jury - a fundamental break from the current system, where the Crown Office decides how to prosecute cases independently of politicians.
Zionist Occupied US - Endless Tax Dollars For Israel
Gaza Israeli Navy,
Tax Dollars,
The Seatbelt Mentality
Apparently, most Americans have it. Most Americans ought to wear their seatbelts because A), they're willing to be told what to do by their employees and B), they don't know how to drive. Of course, if I'm a passenger and the driver makes me nervous, I'll buckle up to protect myself. But that's not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is you need to learn how to drive safely and defensively, and cops using "safety" as an excuse to arrest you.
I just got my second seatbelt ticket in a couple of weeks. I'll fight it in court and will probably win using court rules and technicalities, or maybe because the cop won't show for a seatbelt ticket. But then, this cop was pretty lame, so he might show up. I win virtually all my court fights here in California, using their own rules of conduct, which they hate to have to obey. If we all did that, the whole traffic ticket revenue scam would dry up because it wouldn't be profitable.
The traffic ticket scam, when there's no property damage or injury and no victim, is a form of extortion, and the California Highway Patrol is in the business of extortion. These guys are a combination of terrorists and tax collectors, cruising around in hot rods with paint schemes psychologically designed to cause fear, scheming on ways to cheat you out of your cash.
I just got my second seatbelt ticket in a couple of weeks. I'll fight it in court and will probably win using court rules and technicalities, or maybe because the cop won't show for a seatbelt ticket. But then, this cop was pretty lame, so he might show up. I win virtually all my court fights here in California, using their own rules of conduct, which they hate to have to obey. If we all did that, the whole traffic ticket revenue scam would dry up because it wouldn't be profitable.
The traffic ticket scam, when there's no property damage or injury and no victim, is a form of extortion, and the California Highway Patrol is in the business of extortion. These guys are a combination of terrorists and tax collectors, cruising around in hot rods with paint schemes psychologically designed to cause fear, scheming on ways to cheat you out of your cash.
100 Bodies Pulled From The Rubble In Gaza
At least 100 bodies are pulled out from Gaza's rubble after Israel was forced to agree to a ceasefire and starts pulling out its forces from Gaza.Medical workers sifting through mounds of concrete have said they have recovered bodies, including those of several children, mostly in the northern Gazan towns of Jabaliya and Beit Lahiya.
Who Will Control Our Digital Soul?
The great value of the open Internet is that it allows us to envision and, in fact, produce a more democratic media system.
But the open Internet is under threat by the very companies that bring it into our homes and workplaces, Internet Service Providers (ISPs). These big telecommunication companies want to become the gatekeepers of the Internet, charging hefty fees to reach large audiences, as they do with other mediums.
Big telecom companies are trying to do away with the governing guidelines of the Internet called "net neutrality" (or "common carriage"). Net neutrality requires that Internet service providers not discriminate -- including speeding up or slowing down web content -- based on its source, ownership or destination. Net neutrality protects our ability to direct our own online activities, and also maintains a level playing field for online innovation and social change.
But the open Internet is under threat by the very companies that bring it into our homes and workplaces, Internet Service Providers (ISPs). These big telecommunication companies want to become the gatekeepers of the Internet, charging hefty fees to reach large audiences, as they do with other mediums.
Big telecom companies are trying to do away with the governing guidelines of the Internet called "net neutrality" (or "common carriage"). Net neutrality requires that Internet service providers not discriminate -- including speeding up or slowing down web content -- based on its source, ownership or destination. Net neutrality protects our ability to direct our own online activities, and also maintains a level playing field for online innovation and social change.
A Question Of Identity
In these tormented times, everything I relied on is collapsing – systems, family, gains, achievements, moral values, beliefs, etc. – and nothing is left to hold on to. The very pillars of society are crumbling a bit more every day, as one truth after another are being unveiled. And it hurts! Do I suffer because I finally know the truth? No, I am simply losing my illusions. I believed in a system of justice for all, universal health care, a protective government, compassionate bankers, and industries that worried about the well-being of employees and customers. I even had faith in a merciful God!
I am disenchanted, like a young child who discovers that Santa Claus does not exist. She finds out that the beautiful story that filled her childhood with magic is a mere lie. Her parents betrayed her. These were the people that she loved and respected the most; she trusted them blindly. Like this child, I now realize that the authorities I relied on manipulate, deceive and cheat. I cannot believe in them anymore. The love story is over.
I am disenchanted, like a young child who discovers that Santa Claus does not exist. She finds out that the beautiful story that filled her childhood with magic is a mere lie. Her parents betrayed her. These were the people that she loved and respected the most; she trusted them blindly. Like this child, I now realize that the authorities I relied on manipulate, deceive and cheat. I cannot believe in them anymore. The love story is over.
Commercial redemption,
Corporate Fiction,
Hamas is a Creation of Mossad
Thanks to the Mossad, Israel's "Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks", the Hamas was allowed to reinforce its presence in the occupied territories. Meanwhile, Arafat's Fatah Movement for National Liberation as well as the Palestinian Left were subjected to the most brutal form of repression and intimidation
Let us not forget that it was Israel, which in fact created Hamas. According to Zeev Sternell, historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, "Israel thought that it was a smart ploy to push the Islamists against the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO)".
Let us not forget that it was Israel, which in fact created Hamas. According to Zeev Sternell, historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, "Israel thought that it was a smart ploy to push the Islamists against the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO)".
The Humiliation of America
“On September 11th, President Bush is interrupted while reading a story to school children and told the World Trade Center had been hit--and he went on reading. Now, Olmert calls about a UN resolution when Bush is giving a speech and Bush leaves the stage to take the call.
There exists no greater example of a master-servant relationship.”
There exists no greater example of a master-servant relationship.”
Monetary Union Has Left Half of Europe Trapped in Depression
Events are moving fast in Europe. The worst riots since the fall of Communism have swept the Baltics and the south Balkans. An incipient crisis is taking shape in the Club Med bond markets. S&P has cut Greek debt to near junk. Spanish, Portuguese, and Irish bonds are on negative watch.
A great ring of EU states stretching from Eastern Europe down across Mare Nostrum to the Celtic fringe are either in a 1930s depression already or soon will be. Greece's social fabric is unravelling before the pain begins, which bodes ill.
Each is a victim of ill-judged economic policies foisted upon them by elites in thrall to Europe's monetary project – either in EMU or preparing to join – and each is trapped.
A great ring of EU states stretching from Eastern Europe down across Mare Nostrum to the Celtic fringe are either in a 1930s depression already or soon will be. Greece's social fabric is unravelling before the pain begins, which bodes ill.
Each is a victim of ill-judged economic policies foisted upon them by elites in thrall to Europe's monetary project – either in EMU or preparing to join – and each is trapped.
Pastor Lindsey Williams Details "Economic Calamity" Ahead
For some years now, I have been saying that the "money changers" and "banksters" in London and New York are setting us up. They're playing a money game in which all of the marbles are on the table. It seems that this game is now in the bottom of the Ninth inning.
Tonight I listened to the Reverend Lindsey Williams on American Voice Radio, hosted by Ms. Gianni Hayes. Some people will recognize his name, some won't. I am not going to go into a lengthy bio. You will have to do that research yourself, assuming you even have an interest. I will only mention that he is the man who, because of his contacts in the oil industry, correctly predicted that the world price for oil would fall from roughly $140.00 per barrel to less than $50.00 per barrel.
He claims to be well connected to what he calls "the power elite," and I firmly believe that he is telling the truth. But, what he calls the power elite is just one level of corporate America. He interacted with the high paid servants of the oil industry. That would be the executives of ARCO and other big oil companies when he served as chaplain for the Alaska pipeline. He knows and admits that the "real power" is much further up the food chain. Bottom line? Personally, as far as I am concerned, Reverend Williams character and credibility are unimpeachable.
I think it is very important to pay attention to what he has to say.
Tonight I listened to the Reverend Lindsey Williams on American Voice Radio, hosted by Ms. Gianni Hayes. Some people will recognize his name, some won't. I am not going to go into a lengthy bio. You will have to do that research yourself, assuming you even have an interest. I will only mention that he is the man who, because of his contacts in the oil industry, correctly predicted that the world price for oil would fall from roughly $140.00 per barrel to less than $50.00 per barrel.
He claims to be well connected to what he calls "the power elite," and I firmly believe that he is telling the truth. But, what he calls the power elite is just one level of corporate America. He interacted with the high paid servants of the oil industry. That would be the executives of ARCO and other big oil companies when he served as chaplain for the Alaska pipeline. He knows and admits that the "real power" is much further up the food chain. Bottom line? Personally, as far as I am concerned, Reverend Williams character and credibility are unimpeachable.
I think it is very important to pay attention to what he has to say.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Taxpayers Fork Out £60,000 For Minister's Dinner Party ... To Discuss The Credit Crunch
Ministers have been condemned for throwing a £3,000-a-head dinner party - to discuss the economic slump.
Culture Secretary Andy Burnham ran up the £60,000 bill so he could discuss the effect of the credit crunch on 'creative industries' with 20 guests, including BBC Director General Mark Thompson and Channel 4 chief executive Andy Duncan.
Last night the Conservatives said the lavish bash showed how 'out of touch' the Government had become with the hardships endured by ordinary people.
Culture Secretary Andy Burnham ran up the £60,000 bill so he could discuss the effect of the credit crunch on 'creative industries' with 20 guests, including BBC Director General Mark Thompson and Channel 4 chief executive Andy Duncan.
Last night the Conservatives said the lavish bash showed how 'out of touch' the Government had become with the hardships endured by ordinary people.
Taxpayers Face Years of Debt in Bank Salvage Deal
Taxpayers are poised to take on the "toxic" debts of High Street lenders in a new bank rescue deal that could cost the Treasury billions of pounds.
Under the "pay as you go" plan, details of which were still being hammered out on Saturday, the Government will create a new insurance scheme that would see liabilities of up to £200 billion potentially kept on the public books for years.
Taxpayers would not face an immediate upfront cost but could be hit with payments in future if banks' assets fell below a certain level.
Hello? Any Brain cells left out there?? Wake up and say NO!
Under the "pay as you go" plan, details of which were still being hammered out on Saturday, the Government will create a new insurance scheme that would see liabilities of up to £200 billion potentially kept on the public books for years.
Taxpayers would not face an immediate upfront cost but could be hit with payments in future if banks' assets fell below a certain level.
Hello? Any Brain cells left out there?? Wake up and say NO!
Bail out,
Illuminati Bankers,
Soviet UK,
Taxpayers money
Private School Turns to Parents For Cash Bailout
AN independent school has appealed to parents for an emergency £500,000 bailout after its bank credit was abruptly withdrawn.
The governors of Bolitho school in Penzance, Cornwall, last week called parents to a meeting in the pupils’ gym to announce that they needed to raise the money within weeks or the school would close.
The plight of Bolitho, which teaches 350 children from four upwards, is the latest evidence of the impact the recession is having on private education.
Dozens of schools are up for sale, some have closed and others are cutting staff to keep fee rises to a minimum and stave off an exodus of parents.
Julia Hopson, a Bolitho governor, said HBOS, the bank that had to be saved by a government bailout last autumn, withdrew the school’s overdraft facility just two days before Christmas.
She said the school was trading at a surplus and that pupil numbers were growing.
She claimed HBOS’s letter was a “bolt from the blue”, adding: “The banks show no mercy. They do not care about the pupils.”
The Sovietisation of the education system continues with help from the rip off bankers
The governors of Bolitho school in Penzance, Cornwall, last week called parents to a meeting in the pupils’ gym to announce that they needed to raise the money within weeks or the school would close.
The plight of Bolitho, which teaches 350 children from four upwards, is the latest evidence of the impact the recession is having on private education.
Dozens of schools are up for sale, some have closed and others are cutting staff to keep fee rises to a minimum and stave off an exodus of parents.
Julia Hopson, a Bolitho governor, said HBOS, the bank that had to be saved by a government bailout last autumn, withdrew the school’s overdraft facility just two days before Christmas.
She said the school was trading at a surplus and that pupil numbers were growing.
She claimed HBOS’s letter was a “bolt from the blue”, adding: “The banks show no mercy. They do not care about the pupils.”
The Sovietisation of the education system continues with help from the rip off bankers
MPs Denied Vote On Bin Tax
THE GOVERNMENT has quietly adopted powers enabling it to introduce national pay-as-you-throw rubbish taxes of up to £100 without a vote in parliament.
The move, which was confirmed this weekend by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), will allow councils across the country to impose extra charges on householders who leave out too much non-recyclable waste.
The fact that ministers have adopted powers to impose the taxes on millions of households without a vote in the Commons will shock MPs. They always believed they would be able to veto the unpopular move following trials in five pilot areas.
The move, which was confirmed this weekend by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), will allow councils across the country to impose extra charges on householders who leave out too much non-recyclable waste.
The fact that ministers have adopted powers to impose the taxes on millions of households without a vote in the Commons will shock MPs. They always believed they would be able to veto the unpopular move following trials in five pilot areas.
Chrysalis Nutritionist Stephen Heuer Arrested by Federal Marshalls in FDA Raid
Both the FTC and FDA are turning up the heat on nutrition-oriented companies and websites, resorting to arrests at gunpoint to enforce "nutritional illiteracy" across America by imprisoning those who accurately describe the health benefits of nutritional products they sell.
The latest victim of this state-sponsored oppression and censorship agenda is Stephen Heuer of Cocoon Nutrition (www.CocoonNutrition.org) who advertised natural health products as treatments for depression and other health conditions.
It remains the position of the FDA that there is no such thing as an herb, vitamin or superfood that has any ability to prevent, treat or cure any disease or health condition whatsoever. (In other words, the FDA ridiculously believes foods and herbs are chemically inert.)
Anyone who accurately describes the biochemical effects of their herbal or nutritional products is immediately branded a criminal by the FDA and subject to arrest at gunpoint.
The latest victim of this state-sponsored oppression and censorship agenda is Stephen Heuer of Cocoon Nutrition (www.CocoonNutrition.org) who advertised natural health products as treatments for depression and other health conditions.
It remains the position of the FDA that there is no such thing as an herb, vitamin or superfood that has any ability to prevent, treat or cure any disease or health condition whatsoever. (In other words, the FDA ridiculously believes foods and herbs are chemically inert.)
Anyone who accurately describes the biochemical effects of their herbal or nutritional products is immediately branded a criminal by the FDA and subject to arrest at gunpoint.
Nutritional supplements,
Not Green: Obama Inauguration Will Generate More than Half-Billion Pounds of CO2
Here’s an environmental impact story you’re not likely to see in the mainstream media. Neither NBC’s chief environmental affair correspondent Anne Thompson, nor ABC correspondent Bill Blakemore nor CBS “60 Minutes” correspondent Scott Pelley – all of whom have been eager over the years to expose so-called crimes against the environment – have rushed to report on the massive carbon footprint of the Obama inauguration.
But a comprehensive new study by The Institute for Liberty (IFL) took an in-depth look at each component of the Jan. 20 inauguration in Washington, D.C., and estimated that 575 million pounds of carbon dioxide will be emitted in the atmosphere for the inauguration – which is roughly equal to what the average American household would produce in 57,598 years.
And a cost of $110 million dollars to stage!
But a comprehensive new study by The Institute for Liberty (IFL) took an in-depth look at each component of the Jan. 20 inauguration in Washington, D.C., and estimated that 575 million pounds of carbon dioxide will be emitted in the atmosphere for the inauguration – which is roughly equal to what the average American household would produce in 57,598 years.
And a cost of $110 million dollars to stage!
Photo Of Israel's Use Of White Phosphorous Chemical Weapon

This is White Phosphorous, a chemical weapon, being used in a clearly residential area, to wound, main, kill and set fire to the place, in other words, to ethnically cleanse it and, and in the process commit genocide.
World Press Network
Israeli War Criminals To Appeal Against Human Shield Ban

Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz is prepared to make a personal appearance in court to defend the practice, ministry officials added.
Human Shields,
Israeli war criminals,
Hep B Vaccination Linked To Male Development Disability
Stony Brook University Medical Center researchers found that the odds of requiring early intervention or special education services for a developmental disability are nine times as greater for boys who received the thimerosal containing triple series hepatitis B vaccine.
Boys who did not receive the vaccine had a lesser chance of developmental disabilities such as learning challenges, behavioral problems, autism, speech delays, lower IQ, and functional deficits.
Boys who did not receive the vaccine had a lesser chance of developmental disabilities such as learning challenges, behavioral problems, autism, speech delays, lower IQ, and functional deficits.
Themerasil mercury preservative,
Worst Virus In Years Infects 6.5 Million Computers
A computer virus attack that has infected more than 6.5 million Windows PCs this week is one of the worst in years, internet security firm F-Secure said Friday.
In total the worm, which is known as Downadup or Conficker, has infected nearly 9 million PCs since its first version was unleashed two years ago.
'The number of Downadup infections (is) skyrocketing,' Toni Koivunen, an F-Secure researcher, said in an entry to the company's security lab blog. 'From an estimated 2.4 million infected machines to over 8.9 million during the last four days. That's just amazing.'
In total the worm, which is known as Downadup or Conficker, has infected nearly 9 million PCs since its first version was unleashed two years ago.
'The number of Downadup infections (is) skyrocketing,' Toni Koivunen, an F-Secure researcher, said in an entry to the company's security lab blog. 'From an estimated 2.4 million infected machines to over 8.9 million during the last four days. That's just amazing.'
Societal Apocalypse

It requires a concerted effort to comprehend the enormity of what cabal capitalists are currently perpetrating: outrages so monstrous--yet hidden and somewhat gradual--that most people aren't able to discern them.
In this essay we'll investigate how the cabal is using its economic terrorist attacks as a means of destroying American society utterly and on its ashes attempting to create a new political-economic world order, quickening America's and the world's descent into a new Holocaust. We'll also explore how we can survive this Cataclysm and overcome the demonic forces perpetrating it.
Civil Unrest,
Economic Collapse,
Weimar republic
Free Starbucks Coffee For All New Obamabots Corps Volunteers, Courtesy of Israel
Starbucks Coffee wants U.S. consumers to jump on president-elect Barack Obama’s volunteer bandwagon and pledge to join one of his community service corps.
Obama and incoming first lady Michelle Obama want Americans to do community service the week of his inauguration Jan. 20. and commit this year to one of his so-called national service corps that will do volunteer work in schools and related to the environment.
Obama and incoming first lady Michelle Obama want Americans to do community service the week of his inauguration Jan. 20. and commit this year to one of his so-called national service corps that will do volunteer work in schools and related to the environment.
Obama Pledging Loyalty To AIPAC and Israel
Israeli war criminals,
Obama Fraud,
US Terrorists
Drugs Prescribed for Alzheimer's Disease Increase Mental Decline and Deaths
When people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease (AD) " act up" and show signs of neuropsychiatric symptoms such as aggression and agitation, they are often given antipsychotic drugs. Now, it turns out, that's a practice that could be deadly. The result of a long-term study , just published online and in the February edition of The Lancet Neurology journal shows there's a large increased risk of severe side effects and death in patients receiving these medications. What's more, they hasten mental deterioration.
The End of Hypocricy: Crime's Gleeful Abandon In Gaza
More and more, comment on Israel's savage attack on the people of Gaza seems superfluous. The facts -- even the modicum of facts that can be gleaned through the deadly wall of Israeli censorship and the perverse and sinister distortions of the American media -- speak loudly, with horrifying clarity, for themselves. We are witnessing monstrous crimes, committed with cold deliberation: a bloodthirsty spectacle of unbridled terrorism, openly celebrated by the political and media elites of Israel and America.
This is, of course, the same kind of moral insanity that has raged around the American terrorist attack on Iraq for many years. It is the same moral insanity that guides the actions of power in many lands, in increasingly brazen and unapologetic ways, with less and less of the shamefaced furtiveness that once surrounded such abominations as military aggression, torture, "ethnic cleansing" and other crimes of power down through the centuries. This furtiveness was hypocrisy, of course -- but in hypocrisy there remains some vestige of the morality it falsely purports to uphold, some awareness that an evil thing is being done which must be hidden or disguised.
This is, of course, the same kind of moral insanity that has raged around the American terrorist attack on Iraq for many years. It is the same moral insanity that guides the actions of power in many lands, in increasingly brazen and unapologetic ways, with less and less of the shamefaced furtiveness that once surrounded such abominations as military aggression, torture, "ethnic cleansing" and other crimes of power down through the centuries. This furtiveness was hypocrisy, of course -- but in hypocrisy there remains some vestige of the morality it falsely purports to uphold, some awareness that an evil thing is being done which must be hidden or disguised.
Israel Shelling Gaza Despite Ceasefire
An Israeli helicopter hovering above the Gaza City continues to carry out fresh strike despite a unilateral ceasefire announced by Tel Aviv.
Press TV broadcast live images of an Israeli helicopter hovering above the city and dropping its white phosphorous bombs on the city during a report by our correspondent in the city.
Press TV broadcast live images of an Israeli helicopter hovering above the city and dropping its white phosphorous bombs on the city during a report by our correspondent in the city.
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