
Saturday, September 04, 2010

Urge Waterstone's to Cancel Tony Blair Book-Signing Event

Tony Blair is due to launch his memoirs with a book-signing at Waterstone's in Piccadilly on Wednesday 8 September.

He has announced that all proceeds from his book will be donated to a charity for helping rehabilitate seriously injured soldiers. This is very welcome but Mr Blair should be left in no doubt that donating a small fraction of the £20 million he is estimated to have earned since he left office in 2007 cannot absolve him for the war crimes he committed as prime minister.

It is reprehensible that Waterstone's bookshop is hosting Mr Blair's book-signing. As a number of authors, artists and campaigners wrote to The Guardian:

"This event will be deeply offensive to most people in Britain. A large majority of the British public say Mr Blair told lies and fabricated evidence to take Britain into a war with Iraq that he knew to be illegal under international law... The consequences for the Iraqi people has been hundreds of thousands of killed, 4 million more driven from their homes and the destruction of their country... Tony Blair's memoirs will be an attempt to justify the crimes he committed when prime minister. We believe Waterstone's will seriously harm its own reputation as a respectable bookseller by helping him promote his book."

Please send an email to Waterstone's urging them not to host Blair's memoir launch on Wednesday 8 September. Use the model letter below or delete this and write your own. Personal letters are more effective.'


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