
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Illuminati Commercials: O2 and Chemtrails

1 comment:

  1. In an episode of a program which traces the ancestory of a celebrity and in which this case it was to involve Brooke Sheilds called
    "Who do you think you are", it was found Sheilds had ties to Henry lV which connects her to French royals including Louis XlV and others.
    This was interesting but l was more interested in the last minutes of the final scenes.

    As she sat posing with the backdrop of a grand French palace or something behind her with a voice over chatted on about her connections, above her were zig zaging lines across the sky, and nothing like clouds....chemtrails.
    It was very obvious and dominated the angle of the frame in which she sat posing for the final scene in the quest to find her ancestral heritage.
    Is she blind?????
    She's been around long enough to know better.

    Anyone else see it??


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.