
Monday, May 11, 2009

Danish Doctors Let Wounded Afghan Die

Denmark is a major partner of United States’ imperialist "war on terror", and not the peaceful and tolerant country, which has been its self-proclaimed image.

Perhaps because of this image, and maybe because of its small size, most international media coverage does not even mention the nation’s war-mongering role during this decade of actively engaging in the wars against the Middle East, nor in the previous decade of war against Serbia and the ongoing collaboration with the terrorist and drug-dealing political leadership of Kosovo.

It has just come to light in the Danish media, however, that the country’s war-mongering is not limited to its politicians and their compliant soldiers—or rather "mercenaries" because no Dane is ordered to fight. One must volunteer for the wars and for so doing receive up to triple the income of ordinary soldiers.

Danish doctors and nurses have become part of the occupying force and, like the mercenaries, decide who should live or die. These medical personnel care for the occupiers´ health, part of the "humanitarian" team accompanying the warriors. They serve the juggernauts as do the "rehabilitators" and "re-builders" under the occupying army, as revealed by the liberal capitalist daily, Politiken.

In an article written by Christian Hüttemeier, "Danish doctors break Geneva Convention", May 5, former Danish Red Cross’ general secretary, Joergen Poulsen, said that current medical practice by Danish doctors and nurses in Afghanistan violates the convention, because they are deciding to stop treatment of wounded Afghans.


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