
Sunday, May 03, 2009

Conference of Traitors

Goys and girls pay attention. There’s just one day left until the event of the summer takes place and it is an ever so special event marking the legalization of spying on the United States on behalf of Israel. Get your tickets now and cash in.

Yes! AIPAC is Sellebrating May Day at its annual Traitors Conference that opens this Sunday under the theme of “Selling Out America is Fun for the Whole Tribe!”.

This year there will be even more booths and workshops than ever before. You’ll be able to buy classified documents about Iran, China, Egypt, US military technology and the sexual piccadillos of your perverted congressmen (they’ve got some great photos too). Plus, if you pay an extra $1,000 dollars, you can attend the workshop that will reveal whether or not Barrack Hussein Obama is a natural born citizen. Be one of the few to really know and then you too can blackmail the hell out of the White House. Rahm Emmanuel will be leading that oh so special workshop. Unfortunately, the workshop won’t be held on Air Force One while it flies around Manhattan just a few feet away from tall buildings. The test drive for that one didn’t work out as planned. But hell, we’ve got a great room at the hotel and the booze is on the taxpayer!


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