
Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Government Tsars

There are a lot of ‘Tsars’ operating in and around British government these days.
I have just looked up that word in the dictionary. Tsar derives from ‘Caesar’ and it means TYRANT. But of course, it being a Russian word we don’t really understand, we naively let go of the fact that it has evil connotations.

Actually, it’s the corporate media that lets go of the fact. They choose names like ‘tsar’ for us; we the people are just on the receiving end.

I see this morning that the Government’s Climate Change Tsar, who goes by the name of Adair Turner (a smiling assassin; pictured below) is telling us that all households will have to contribute 500 pounds each in order to help fight Climate Change.

Climate Change - that’s a good one!
Do you remember when we used to call it Global Warming?
It may have escaped your attention that the terminology has morphed into something quite different.

Climate Change? The Climate changes every bloody second.


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