
Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Britain's Election: Welcome to No Choice Democracy

Part of the collapse in democratic participation in Britain (as elsewhere) is due to growing public realization that the main parties are “out of touch” in terms of putting forward solutions to address the severe problems facing British society: mounting social misery, unemployment, poverty and debt, both individually and nationally. The budget deficit is estimated to be around £163 billion, which, some commentators say, puts Britain on a par with Greece in terms of its gravity.

This brings us to the second most notable characteristic of the 2010 British election: there is now patently no political choice on offer to voters. The putative essence of western-style parliamentary democracy is that “the people” exercise a choice in selecting a political party based on manifestos of differing ideas and policies.'


1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree. There is NO political choice left to voters.

    Normally, I would approach a polling station knowing exactly who I was voting for. At the present time, with voting to be cast tomorrow, I am still stuck on who exactly to vote for.

    Labour is TOTALLY out of the question, Conservatives have some good ideas but I can see them working for the rich only, although I would like to see some discipline in the schools. Liberal democrats do a good job locally, but I'm not so sure about their National and International work.

    I'm so damned confused, and this is a first for me.

    However, there is no way on this earth that I would vote for Labour. When I think of Labour, it fill me with the utmost RAGE! They have got to GO!


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.