
Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Red Ice Radio: William H. Kennedy - Satanism, Ritual Abuse & Pedophilia in the Roman Catholic Church

We go into the dark and murky waters of devil worship, Luciferians, secret societies and the connection to Satanism with our guest William H Kennedy who is the author of "Satanic Crime: A Threat in the New Millennium" and "Lucifer's Lodge: Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Catholic Church". We begin to talk about the satanic panic of the 1980s in the United States and then we go into the Roman Catholic Church, the recent pedophilia scandals, the Vatican and how the pope has protected pedophiles.'

Listen here...


  1. Just to add to this theme, last week I did a piece called Alaska, a Pedophile's Paradise. For your own reference I provide a link to the official list of all pedophile priests etc in the United States and that list is long and in good detail per offender. It seems that the Innuit and Alaskan natives were the place they sent all the bad boys. The place has a horrendously high percentage and the things that these adults spoke of is below the level of slime you could ever imagine. And I have been following this stuff for years, very little surprises me.

  2. What an excellent blog you have here, DotsConnect. We're trying to fight the good fight just like you; please visit us over at




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