
Thursday, April 01, 2010

Canada to Surrender its Sovereignty to NWO Under Proposed Law.

Now that the Canadian Parliament is back in session, the rebirth of Bill C-6 looms large on the horizon, bringing with it a threat that belies its benign- sounding formal name, “The Canada Consumer Product Safety Act”. The bill, pushed hard by the government in its last session, but abandoned when Parliament was prorogued, is due to be reintroduced within weeks.

C-6’s language is a constitutional nightmare: within it are eight blatant violations, ranging from warrantless search and seizure to being guilty until proven innocent, in a complete diversion from due process of law, all based on the opinion of a Health Canada inspector, and adjudicated by the Health Minister. However, as dire the portents of these breaches of the Constitution are, they pale in comparison to the catastrophic effects of Sections 2 and 14, which make Canadians “subject to the dictates of foreign authorities”… authorities which are unnamed and undefined, but may include governments and associations. (Read trade groups, WTO, WHO, NAFTA, etc.)'


1 comment:




    This is the man who is killing Canada, a man who sneers at Canadians, insults us in meetings with international leaders, refuses to believe in a Canadian identity.

    He is more zionist than the zionists and that is bad for us. What we see in this bill is the application of the Noahyde Laws of the Chabad Lubavitch being incorporated into our legal system. Bush did it in the states in the early 1990's and now this bastard does it for us.

    Guilty until proven innocent is the future of law enforcement. The law will lose ALL compassion and humanity and be based ONLY on facts usually slanted towards the corporations and "the bottom dollar".

    It is a harsh system of law and aims to control every breath taken with the final aim to raise the Chabad and other fervent Jews to in essence rule over the goyim with an increasingly heavy hand.

    It is vengeful what he signs because in doing so he condemns our descendants to half lives, eating weak foods, never developing either body or mind to true potential. Am I exaggerating? Not in the least. Codex alimentarius, GMO foods, nanofoods, all of it is unhealthy and designed to weaken our species.

    Dear lord, when I saw that slimebag kissing the Rothschild hand in a photo about 11 years ago I knew we were in for trouble because I knew, as strange as the odds looked, he would be our next PM. He has surpassed my lowest expectations.


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