
Monday, January 18, 2010

Disgusting War Criminals Peddle “Humanitarian” Aid for Haiti

Fine words coming from one of the world’s foremost war criminals. Not only did Bill Clinton terror bomb to death an untold number of people in Iraq and the former Yugoslavia, he also facilitated death squads in Colombia. He is responsible for bombing a crucial pharmaceutical factory in the Sudan. He helped the United Nations kill 500,000 Iraqi children. Bill Clinton’s favorite targets were the sort of poor people he is now claiming to help in Haiti.

Bush the humanitarian who decries the politicization of the Haiti relief effort killed over a million people in Iraq. His crimes approach those of Hitler and the Nazis. Bush is responsible for Abu Ghraib, the destruction of Fallouja and Ramadi, civilian massacres in Haditha and elsewhere. On his watch, over a million Iraqis were butchered and an undetermined number of Afghan civilians were slaughtered. He began a concerted effort to kill Pakistanis, an effort picked up by Obama.'


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