
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Entering The Ukraine Flu Zone, Hanging In Hopenhagen, and How Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs Will Rule The World

by David Dees
'We live in a fast changing time in history when major events happen on a daily basis. Recently, I had the opportunity of traveling through Europe to see first hand two such happenings certain to radicalize the course of world political and health concerns.

The first part of my journey was a stop at the Global Climate Summit in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Right away I noticed for public consumption they renamed the monsterously tacky city square display, "Hopenhagen". Isn't that nice, they care so much about the Earth that our rulers sign a binding treaty amongst nations with the IMF, and the World Bank, enacting brutal draconian laws that will make democracy and freedom a thing of the past, all in the name of saving the planet. Perfect. The 150 new tax laws covering all human activity, along with the insufferable penalties for not paying them, are far and away the boldest move for a global takeover ever attempted by the zionist gangsters who have highjacked our governments. Ladies and Gentlemen, be astonished at the brazen level of corruption they are attempting to enact. '

The ever unpopular Al Gore chose not to attend the summit after insiders leaked onto the internet a thousand emails between scientists proving they were knowingly falsifying climate stats in order to push their agenda. This was humorously tagged ClimateGate. Since Gore the criminal was exposed he has been hounded nonstop at every public appearance, so, best he lay low for a while. Ever notice that first Gore made a movie about how much trouble we are in due to 'global warming', but since the earth is noticeably cooling, they quietly changed the term to 'Climate Change', and continue pushing their con job?


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