
Monday, November 23, 2009

The Terror Which Begot 'Israel'

Terrorist & mass murderer Menachem Begin + The Zionist terrorbombing
of the King David Hotel

As the evil state of Israel is celebrating over sixty years of ethnic cleansing and atrocities against the native Palestinians, many people around the world, especially young generations, will not be fully aware of the manner in which Israel came into existence. Similarly, the younger Zionist generations who don’t stop calling their Palestinian victims “terrorists” should have a clearer idea about Israel’s manifestly criminal past which Zionist school textbooks shamelessly glamorize and glorify

Prior to “Jewish” statehood, three main Jewish terror organizations operated in Palestine, primarily against Palestinian civilians and British mandate targets. The three were: The Haganah, the Zvei Leumi or Irgun and the Stern Gang. The Haganah (Defence) had a field army of up to 160,000 well-trained and well-armed men and a unit called the Palmach, with more than 6,000 terrorists. The Irgun included as many as 5,000 terrorists, while the Stern Gang included 200-300 dangerous terrorists.

The following are merely some examples of Zionist terrorism prior to the creation of the Zionist state in 1948: The list doesn’t include the bigger massacres such as Dir Yasin, Dawaymeh, Tantura and others.'



  1. I have been dieing for a place to write the following about that little schmuck in the photo above... Menachim Begin.

    He is as ugly on the outside as he was on the inside. A perfect example of thoughts manifesting in the physical appearance.

    THIS is the little worm who won the Nobel Peace Prize yet is responsible for the infamous quote about Jews being a super race and how the rest of us are "as excrement" in comparison.

    To much inbreeding.

  2. maybe you would like to write an article for the site re Begin?? It would be much appreciated. peace love and light x


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