
Friday, July 17, 2009

Is the US the Next Mexico?

As I learn about the elite conspiracy ("New World Order") I am feeling like a turkey who is finding out about Thanksgiving.

Mankind is indeed in the malignant grip of a satanic cult that subtly controls media, government education and business. Afflicted by this debilitating spiritual cancer, mankind is too deformed to diagnose its ailment.

In "Puzzling Neighbors: A Historical Guide to Understand Modern Mexico" (1987) Salvador Borrego describes Mexico's turbulent, blood soaked history and poverty in terms of a conflict with agents of an "alien" force.

"During more than 160 years, Mexicans have been hounded by influences which are foreign to their essence, by a phantom, an X factor which not all have identified..."

The "alien" force is London-based international finance and its corporate tentacles using Freemasonry and the United States as its hand puppets.


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