
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Bin Laden is in Iran - Last Pathetic Efforts to go to War

John Scarlett, the head of the British intelligence agency MI6, will hold a secret summit during the G20 conference in London next week to answer the question, "Where is Osama bin Laden?"
U.S. intelligence officers who have traveled to England with their political leaders attending the conference will spend a day being briefed by a team of MI6 specialists who reportedly have established the whereabouts of the world's most wanted terrorist.

They have been certain for some time that he was given refuge in Iran.

1 comment:

  1. I have been blogging about Iran for the past few days, added it to the topics I seem to focus on most. Now, we are all aware of the bin Laden saga if we are at all savvy about what is going on.

    I must admit, Iran's leader has been making a few too many nasty raspberries towards Israel, but that is not enough for war. However, it is also proven at this time it is some time before Iran will have enough nuclear strength to be much of a threat.

    Israel, mad dog, wants war. Real war, not skeet shooting penned beasts. They will stop at no farce to fabricate reasons to start Armageddon. And the Christian Zionists are eager to help them along.


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