
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Obama Sells US to China Inc

With Hillary Clinton having signaled to the Chinese dictators that we will beg for their money and ignore unfair trade practices and even human rights violations, it will be left up to President Obama to seal the deal.

The truth is starting to seep out. Because of the need for more money to finance the latest bailout-the Obama economic stimulus plan-America is going further in debt to the Chinese Communists. Our country is officially being sold to the highest bidder. And we have striking confirmation of this fact from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


1 comment:

  1. A sell-out. That is what Hillary Clinton is - a White sell-out. And that is also what she did - she sold out America.

    What a disgrace. For America to be pandering like this for China's money. Other leaders are skilled at detecting subtle hints of weakness and character flaws. A deaf, blind, drunk could sense how weak and pathetic America is now.

    I DREAD the day this administration starts trying to deal with someone clever like Medvedev or Vladimir Putin.


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