
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Obama To Ignore CIA War Crimes

If President-elect Barack Obama is reassuring the intelligence community “that his complaints are with the Bush administration, not them,” as AP’s Pamela Hess reported January 10th, his campaign slogan “change we can believe in” is headed for an early grave.

Obama’s remarks are a literal signal to CIA officials and other unindicted war criminals that they will not be prosecuted no matter what vile and horrific tortures they inflicted. And that’s not change; that’s business as usual; that’s what the CIA has done for years and gotten away with every time. Obama’s words will embolden CIA goons to gin up the same Adolf Eichmann defense, “I was only following orders” he used when he murdered Hungary’s Jews.


1 comment:

  1. Perhaps in order to WAKE UP, the
    ignorant sections of the poplulation who veiw Obamabamania
    as change,they need to experience the CHANGE Obama-ba-ba will offer.
    Nothing but more & more of the same SHIT.
    In order for one to awaken to
    AWARENESS one need to have the mind, sight and inbuilt desires
    to search for answers.
    Clearly something they dont have,
    nor intend to have unless suffering
    is involved.
    Its experience that will help with that.
    As it did with many whom are AWAKE.


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.