
Thursday, September 04, 2008

What the Violence Against Protesters at the Convention Really Means

A classified FBI intelligence memorandum gives police detailed instructions on how to target and monitor lawful political demonstrations under the rubric of fighting terrorism. And the Joint Terrorism Task Force was involved in infiltrating, tracking and disrupting every-day Americans who disagree with the current administration’s policies.
While the ACLU calls such tactics “a return to the days of J. Edgar Hoover’s spying tactics”, that is not an accurate description.
While Hoover’s FBI had its “enemies list”, and carried out numerous dirty tricks including Cointelpro, the current governmental actions are a lot worse.
For example, according to a law school professor, the Military Commissions Act of 2006 has the following consequences:
“Anyone who donates money to a charity that turns up on Bush’s list of ‘terrorist’ organizations, or who speaks out against the government’s policies could be declared an ‘unlawful enemy combatant’ and imprisoned indefinitely. That includes American citizens.”

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