
Friday, September 05, 2008

Huge Rise In The Price Of Food

Supermarket food prices are soaring, with the price of key items rising at several times the rate of inflation, figures show.

The price of fresh food has risen by 12 per cent since the start of the year, while meat and fish now costs 23 per cent more on average. Meanwhile chicken and ham have risen by 42 and 45 per cent since January, placing the former staples out of many consumers' price range.

The rises in the price of both basic pasta and basmati rice have also smashed through the 40 per cent barrier.Even so-called slump proof tinned foods have registered a price rise of 15 per cent - more than three times the Government's official inflation rate of 4.4 per cent.Shoppers suffering as a result of the credit crisis would be advised to stock up on ready meals, according to the research, as since the start of the year they have fallen in price by 0.4 per cent.


Note that they are advocating the stocking up of ready meals. Wondering why that is?

Manufacturers and retailers make hugely increased profit from ready meals than they do from fresh meat, dairy and fresh fruit and vegetables. why do you think ready meals have slightly decreased in price when all the ingredients that go to make them up have increased alongside added production costs. They make a bomb on them.
They are certainly not as good for you as meals made from fresh produce you cook yourself.

Supermarket prices are all engineered to make the maximum amount of profit. They manipulate supply and demand. Stitch their suppliers up so suppliers make practicly nothing.

Get as self sufficient as you can, turn your garden into growing produce instead of grass, Keep a few hens. Start bartering for goods and services. We all have skills and things to trade.
Start visiting and buying from farmers markets.

The supermarkets are ripping you off now even more than before so Wake Up and don't believe what they are telling you.

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