
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Federal Agents Urged to 'Friend' People on Social Networks, Memo Reveals

A privacy watchdog has uncovered a government memo that encourages federal agents to befriend people on a variety of social networks, to take advantage of their readiness to share -- and to spy on them. In response to a Freedom of Information request, the government released a handful of documents, including a May 2008 memo detailing how social-networking sites are exploited by the Office of Fraud Detection and National Security (FDNS).

As of Thursday morning, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and Digg had not commented on the report, which details the official government program to spy via social networking. Other websites the government is spying on include Twitter, MySpace, Craigslist and Wikipedia, according to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which filed the FOIA request.'


1 comment:

  1. l wonder who were that small group of hidden bloodline honchos above? that didn't need to encourage down below another hidden little bloodline group at social networking and befriending that dangerous cleaner Harps....
    with a bucket and mop...huh?

    l felt like a bit of a detective during my experience, uncovering some 'blood agents' at the scene then having to mop up the shocking internal mess afterwards.

    l have many questions about my experience, even if Scottish/Irish ancestors had traces of the bloodline in the very, very distant past somehow...who knows?
    The anger still tips over as in the last comment
    l posted about family, after a flare up.


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