
Sunday, October 10, 2010

As Another Freezing Winter Looms, Council Hands out 2,000 Spades and Tells Residents: 'Dig Yourselves Out When it Snows'

Council chiefs have sparked outrage after proposing residents dig themselves out of the snow as Britain braces itself for another winter of Arctic conditions.

As long-range forecasts suggest the country will be hit by blizzards and temperatures plummeting to -20c, bosses at Camden Council prepared to hand out spades.

But their solution to the bitter weather has been slammed by those who remember the headache of last year's gritting crisis which brought widespread disruption and left people trapped in their homes.

The north London council's proposal involves a 'self-help' scheme in which people can ring and request a shovel.

The authority plans to give out more than 2,000 spades to community centres and groups, shopkeepers and families to help clear clogged-up roads and pavements.'


1 comment:

  1. this place is ecoming more and more like a third world country.

    Why do they mostly put incompetent and lazy people into important posts.

    For example, give me a job as an environmental officer and trust me, I WILL not leave a stone unturned. I will find every blocked drain and empty council owned property in the borough.

    Seriously, though, we need better leadership here. If this were a third world contry I would understand, this is suppsoed to be first world, supposed to be, so these so called first world countries need to lead from the front!


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