
Monday, March 22, 2010

Patriots Like Deer 'Frozen in the Headlights'?

'This was a false-flag terror attack and...THERE WILL BE MORE!' he screams through the airwaves. I wish his audience could see the irony that he is exposing false flag terror while terrorizing them.

Then again, they are probably used to it. Fear is too often the name of the game in the Patriot and NWO 'movement'. It certainly satisfies the advertisers dependent on panic and crises to sell their goods, but we should also recognize the effect fear mongering has.

It helps people accept incremental steps in the agenda by selling imminent disaster. The swine flu hoax was a perfect illustration of fear aiding the agenda. In the end, most readers of the big NWO websites were not angry about the mountains of cash spent on useless vaccinations and the extra powers given to the WHO, rather they were just relieved to not have been killed by a government released pandemic and their body thrown into a mass grave.

Fear stops you thinking sanely. If you hear, 'our economy will be like Zimbabwe's and you'll get dragged off to a FEMA camp' on loop everyday you will start dreaming for the day to come just so you can get it over with.

The experience is akin to someone putting a gun to your head and saying, 'I'm going to pull the trigger sometime in the next hour.' You are put into a state of paralysis. A deer in the headlights cannot think rationally and organize effective political action; it is just waiting to get hit.'


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