
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Privatized Prisons and Prison Labor IS Slavery

1 comment:

  1. Although l'm not in a 'correctional institution resort' as these prisoners of the global systems abstract art in scupturing the lesser moulded thoughts into mind fucks within societies quagmired gullies, l feel confined in conditions of boring drab illusions amongst the 'ordinary herd of numbed' prisoners locked into a mindlessness passage in the blissful dullness of ignorance.
    Chugging along daily with a locomotive breathe along mundane boring tracks around bends without real substantial routes of direction, only just arrows pointing to 'l feel good now votes' of illusions.
    The wide open paths of conscioussness reached through transits of awakened pastures of obsevations ignored....
    Ho-hum to the humdrum for things to come, sorry.


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