
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

In Living Color–Racism and Hatred on Full Display in the Jewish State

It’s the kind of thing that–under more ‘favorable’ circumstances–would cause the likes of Abe Foxman, Eli Wiesel, Morris Dees Seligman and all their partners in the Zionist crime network to break out in a excited sweat, pant like dogs and moan out load in ecstasy…A youtube video on the internet ‘going viral’ and showing a bunch of rowdy, fair-skinned, white-supremacist racists referring to the new American president as just ”another nigger from the town”, a “faggot”, a “pussy”, saying “he should be shot” and (from one of the more bold of them) saying he personally knows where Obama lives and was going to perform a forced homosexual act on him if he doesn‘t straighten up.

The one hitch in the whole thing though, the one fly in the ointment making an otherwise earth-shattering/stop the presses/we-interrupt-this-program-for-this-breaking-news-report eventa non-starter as far as Jewish groups are concerned is that in this case the characters in question were not “Islamo-fascists,” neo-Nazi skinheads, Aryan Nations Stormtroopers or any of the other “hate-groups” on the seek-and-destroy list meticulously maintained by Jewish groups such as the ADL, JDL, Simon Wiesenthal Center or SPLC. Rather, they happened to be dual-citizen/single-loyalty white trash American Jews visiting Israel.


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