
Friday, March 06, 2009

Confirmation Of Reality and Responsibility

In Washington there is a move to create a "truth commission," supposedly to get to the bottom of what went wrong over the last eight years. That might work for a nation without established laws, or a constitution that has clearly defined parameters for Treason and for flagrantly criminal behavior; but it is insufficient for what has happened to the United States.

The constitution and the government of the United States has been stolen, and replaced by private-foreign entities, that have no such provisions, because they do not allow the public any voice in their actions; much less the right to challenge anything which they have done. This is especially true for the crimes committed over the past eight years and for these treacheries that began with J. Edgar Ashcroft: The first openly criminal Attorney General in these last eight years of deception and lies that were underwritten and created by the Cheney-Bush Dictatorship.


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