
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

UK Lawmaker Seeks to Deny Education to Children Who Aren't Vaccinated

' British Labour MP Mary Creagh has proposed forbidding school enrollment to children who have not received the full course of childhood vaccines, turning the current recommendations compulsory.Writing in the magazine of the Fabian Society, Creagh said that the United Kingdom should use the same sanctions as the United States to make vaccines compulsory, and that schools should be required to verify that all children enrolled have been vaccinated.In the same issue, public health expert Sir Sandy Macara said that children should not be allowed to receive health benefits unless they are vaccinated.Vaccination rates have dropped in the United Kingdom recently, after research emerged suggesting that the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) might be linked to autism. While below the government's target level of 95 percent, 85 percent of children still receive the MMR vaccine.Both Creagh and Macara said that compulsory vaccination would serve the public good, pushing the United Kingdom toward the 95 percent vaccinated threshold at which incidence of a virus drops so low that the general population acquires a "herd immunity". '

The chair of the British Medical Association, Dr. Hamish Meldrum, blasted the plan as "morally and ethically dubious."


The illuminati do like words like "herd" don't they?

Sir Sandy Macara, Freemason and Ex health chief wants parents right to health services for their children and child benefit stopped if they don't have them vaccinated.

Blackmail is a criminal act isn't it?

Mary Creagh, Chairperson of the Labour Movement For Europe who hasn't got the courage of her convictions when it comes to The European Union as she declined to comment or take any part in a local referendum of 7,000 of her constituants on The Lisbon Treaty !
And she wants access to education stopped for non vaccinated children!

Read here...

Wake up !!!


  1. Hi there, I just discovered your blog recently and I enjoy it very much.

    What are your thoughts on vaccines?

    I have a four year old son who I have chosen not to vaccinate but I get ridiculed by everyone I tell this to. My wife panics every time my boy sneezes and my family think I'm insane.

    Our doctor blew his top when we told him we didn't want him vaccinated.

    I listened to the 8 part Jon Rappaport audio files on Vaccines recently and it made me a little bit more reassured that I am doing the right thing, but even still I guess I am still a little nervous about not vaccinating him myself. Still, you have to do what you think is right, huh?



  2. Hi Billy , Thanks for your comment. Personally I wouldn't go near any vaccine and certainly not MMR or Flu Jabs. My first grandson has just been born and my son who isn't awake yet and his wife are going to have him vaccinated. I am not happy and have sat them down and explained the dangers but in the end it is their choice through their own personal beliefs.
    Autism figures in 1986 were one in 5000, they are now one in 166. Draw your own conclusions from that.
    Glad you like the site and please do fel free to comment at any post.


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.