
Thursday, September 25, 2008

The great nuclear sell-out: Our only atomic power giant falls into foreign hands - and you'll pay the price

Britain's only nuclear power company is being bought by the French in a £12.5billion deal likely to trigger a huge rise in electricity bills.
By buying British Energy, EDF - which is 80 per cent owned by the French government - will take control of the UK's eight nuclear power plants and build at least four super-size reactors.
The deal gives EDF enormous power in setting future prices because it will supply some 30 per cent of the country's electricity.
The purchase of British Energy means yet another large UK company will fall into foreign hands.
Four of Britain's 'big six' energy suppliers are controlled by hugely wealthy and powerful overseas utility giants.
There have been suggestions that they are quick to impose price rises on British consumers while protecting those in their home countries.


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