
Monday, September 22, 2008

Simplicity And 'Bluebacks': Finding A Path Back To A Sustainable Money System

In “Working Girl,” that wonderful film about exploited “little guys” taking back their power, we hear an anecdote that’s relevant to our current financial fix. The story goes that a truck was stuck under an overpass, and none of the authorities called to the scene could figure out a way to get the truck through the tunnel. A little girl in a car that was stalled in line came up with the simple and perfect solution: let some of the air out of the truck’s tires.

Simplicity is usually the place to go for right answers. Our current manipulated financial crisis could actually be actually be solved by very simple simple solution. Let the excess air out of the financial system: the “fresh air” that modern money is mostly made of. Loans that have been generated based on false money (numbers generated on paper checks by banks, money that doesn’t exist) should be considered false loans that need not be paid back.

With this simple new policy, every nation’s national debt would disappear. Personal debt would disappear. Home debt would disappear. We would all be left with what we have, own and use, and it would be legally recognized as ours, not as the property of a bank. National debts would be forgiven because the money given to nations for loans never really existed in the first place.


Read This Urgently And Take Action NOW!!!

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