
Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Menace of Al Gore

Do not kid yourselves. There will be a time in this country when to deny the Al Gore version of global warming will be a crime akin to denying the Holocaust in Austria or Germany. People will be going to prison over this sooner than later. I would not be surprised to see the next Congress introduce a bill that will criminalize any disagreement with Gore.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it will be like that. Sooner or later these goofbals will see the truth that this WAS cyclic. Notice I said WAS because there's very little talk of any of that crap like there used to be.

    Gore is a sham and a charlatan and though some sheep follow many will realize it's just a load to get the the US involved deeply in the Koyoto Treaty (ie. socialism out the wazoo).

    Just my opinion.

    I read your site daily, I enjoy it all. Maybe you can look up my site?


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