
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

In Pushing Obama Health Care, Nancy Pelosi Dismisses Authority of US Constitution

Yesterday, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson ruled that a key provision in Obama's health care plan violates the US Constitution. The "minimum essential coverage provision," Judge Hudson ruled, would force American consumers to buy a government-mandated insurance product whether they wish to buy it or not. There is no provision in the US Constitution that grants Congress the power to force consumers to buy into such a monopoly -- the very idea seems ludicrous.

But not to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She believes that her power to force Americans to purchase whatever products and services the government wants them to buy is somehow granted by the Constitution.'


1 comment:

  1. I understand the colour of this photo has been enhanced with this marionette Pelosi but even if one looked at her mug shot in black and white well, you'd almost die in fright if it was up close and personnal.


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