
Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Polanski Gambit and the Old World Order

Of course Roman Polanski is a mainline Satanist and the desire to make him a public item is not accidental by any means. This is a calculated event. The recent refusal by the Swiss to extradite Polanski extends the drama for the purpose of ongoing misdirection. The fact is that there are forces in motion to blow the lid off of an international traffic and practice of sex with underage girls and boys of any and all ages.

There are several reasons for this practice in relation to satanic ritual. One of these is the despoiling of innocence which is a trademark of the path. It also serves to put the practitioner beyond the pale and is one of the steps on the way to darker things. Each step is a progression toward the main event that I don’t think I have to illustrate. It’s described in many texts and retrospectives.'


1 comment:

  1. The only reason why Roman Polanski is getting away with his paedophile crimes is because he is well connected.

    I read about what he did to that girl. She was drugged and given alcohol before he took advantage of her young age. He then ran away to avoid a jail sentence. That man is morally bankrupt.

    Also, I have seen the 9th gate, one of his movies, full demonic symbolisms, so I can see why they let him get away the he appears to be. He is one of the gang. They take care of their own, whatever it takes.

    There is one law for one group of people and another for others, depending on how well connected they are. Of course he has enough money to buy these judges and lawmakers, so nothing surprising here.

    Would he like for someon to do the same to any of his children?

    Just devilish.


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