
Friday, August 20, 2010

Declassified: Massive Israeli Manipulation of US Media Exposed

1 comment:

  1. Many Americans would be easily manipulated by the corporate controlled media if it was beamed secretly from Disneyland while declassified, thats how stupid they have become under the conditioning of indoctrination to their senses and the seat of their psyche with a red white and blue glad flag rag of stars flapping on a rod...means nothing, just an illusion.

    Wipe my arse on it if l had too like all glad flag rags that systems worldwide inject into the minds of an addicted public to divide the oneness.

    Shove your trinket gadget up your clacker Queen Elizard the second, with love, would be a fine act of bravery under my assuption as with any other 'award' the mob running the system globally handing out 'shite' to any dupped fool willing to be the fool of ignorance thats awarded excellence by the mob, in any field. all they are within the hidden world.


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.