
Sunday, April 03, 2011

Radiation Support for Your Immune System: We are Under Invisible Siege

I have had countless calls asking for more suggestions on how we can support our already compromised immune systems, as we are exposed daily to untold levels of radioactive elements that are now traveling world-wide. Due to our already highly polluted air, we now have a multi-pronged attack on our immune systems. We were never meant to be sponges for an assortment of highly hazardous and unregulated chemicals and nano-technology, genetically modified organisms, aerosolized Chemtrails, pesticides, and artificial and poisonous additives in our food supply.

This has been going on for most of the twentieth century; and now laws, in place for decades to protect us, have been gutted. Secret political agendas and corporate profits continue to take priority over our well-being and safety. This has a long history in our corporate consumer-oriented society. For the first time in our recorded history, we have multiple and chronic illnesses caused by human intervention. Greed trumps everything else, when the world (gone amok) is filled with moral indifference and decrepitude, along with enormous governmental corruption.'


1 comment:

  1. Yes, earth is on the road to ruin and the lemmings continue to sleep and drink the 'Kool aid', so what's going to change, and how is it going to change and who is going to change it, I wonder?


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