
Sunday, January 17, 2010

ClimateGate: Will the Alarmists Have to go Back to Ice Ages?

Well, friends, the AGW folks are on the ropes, and they are taking a beating. When people can step out of their doors and tell that it’s VERY COLD, they aren’t going to be easily convinced that AGW is happening. When people have free access to international information, they can see that it is VERY COLD all over the northern hemisphere!

Of course, there are some AGW folks that are trying very hard to keep the faith, but they are coming off as increasingly desperate. Al Gore has not been seen much lately. Could the Goracle be in a fetal position, counting the billions he might have made if Cap and Trade had passed? Could “AGW” actually be code for “Al Gore’s Wealth?” '



  1. Yeah where is that Al Gargoyle..l mean Gore when l need him to explain to me why penguins are setting up house next door and the roadrunner is moving out, l'm getting squirreled in with all these cold faces around me, its like living at that Buckingham Palace igloo zoo.

  2. Thanks for linking my post.


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