
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Despite FDA Concern, American Chemistry Council Insists Bisphenol A is Safe For Everyone

The American Chemistry Council (ACC) has never met a chemical it didn't like. The organization is a chemical advocacy group whose members include all the largest chemical producers such as Monsanto, Bayer, Merck, Chevron, DuPont and many more. It's like a Who's Who of companies whose products pollute the world, in my opinion.

The FDA, for its part, has been engaged in a conspiracy of silence to avoid admitting that BPA is dangerous for human health. This conspiracy was recently shattered when the FDA's own science advisors blasted the agency for ignoring over 100 published studies showing BPA was dangerous. The FDA, you see, had discarded those 100+ studies and, instead, based its conclusions on just two studies that happened to be funded by the chemical industry.'


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