
Monday, January 18, 2010

Our UK Govt Is Now Our Tyrannical Master

There was a time, not very long ago, when the British State was our servant and not our master. A lot of us still remember town or county halls that had small staffs on modest pay, who emptied the bins and swept the streets, mended the roads, and provided public libraries that were full of books we wanted to read, and schools that taught children how to read, write and count in orderly classrooms.

We also had small local police forces that knew their neighbourhoods and patrolled them on foot. They didn't need CCTV or ASBOs. Despite having no computers, BlackBerries, or even mobile phones, these organisations were surprisingly efficient and comparatively cheap. And they were usually polite to us too.

That, until recently, was the British State; modest, effective, small and our servant. A history should be written of how and why it became our master as it has done. We see the change in the smallest things. Instead of collecting our rubbish, a task it is amazingly bad at, it monitors our bins and fines us for putting the wrong things in them.'



  1. The process by which our local authorities changed from being providers of services to residents into agents of compulsion, restriction and money gathering is something that has saddened me for several decades. The situation has now reached the drastic state whereby Local Councilers can do little except what their paid officers tell they can or cannot do and if they have any specialist knowledge or personal experience in any given situation they cannot even vote on it for fear of being denounced for having 'prejudicial interest'.
    They are, of course, fobbed off with grand titles like Portfolio Holder but their officers are the real winners having gone from being Clerk Of Works to Director Of The Directorate.

  2. Added to that, there are a number of empty Council houses in the UK. I have counted over 20 in the past year. I even have pictures of them as well.

    Funny how there are homeless people on waiting lists and sleeping rough in the streets and yet hundreds of perfectly good Council houses lying empty or being occupied by squatters who do not pay any rent or 'Council tax' or energy bills.

    These people in the council are too busy drinking cups of tea and lazing around to actually house homeless people.

    Now, I personally know this because about 3 years ago I was homeless for about 6 months and couldn't get any accommodation or help of any kind from Lambeth Council, where I have lived pretty much all my life (although I have lived in a few other boroughs), this was after some domestic issues.


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