
Friday, June 26, 2009

Jackson and Fawcett Deaths Overshadow NWO Moves On Liberty

It’s like manna from heaven for the corporate media. Michael Jackson, the “King of Pop,” and Farrah Fawcett, the “It Girl,” have died on the same day. Details of these two tragic events will now dominate the media for more than a week and push vastly more important events into the shadows.

Obama and Congress plan to hand the entire U.S. economy over to an evil cartel of private banksters and inbred elitists, thus creating a dictatorship not answerable to the people. Meanwhile, the corporate media has gathered in a feeding frenzy over the death of a mentally disturbed music icon.


1 comment:

  1. As the corporate media tardily dine on the 2 course banquet diversions before them, in the shadows Obama and Congress prepared an economic suprize dirty dancing about it...wouldn't this be a Swayze, to top it off for them.


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