A party that honours Latvia’s Waffen SS veterans was named among David Cameron’s new allies, as the Conservatives identified members of their anti- federalist group in the European Parliament.
One MEP from Latvia’s For Fatherland and Freedom Party (LNNK) will be among the 55 MEPs from eight countries in the European Conservatives and Reformists group, which the Tory leader pledged to form during his leadership campaign in 2005.
Is this a bad thing? I don't understand the reason for this post.
ReplyDelete"Waffen SS-Honoring party" means two different things in Britain and in the Baltic states. I'm assuming you know that the Baltic was invaded by the Soviet Union in 1940 and the world didn't bat an eye then and doesn't now. Then the Soviets moved in literally displacing the Balts. The Balts fought with the Germans against the Soviets, lost and the Soviets continued their oppression, attack on Balt culture and Russification. They flooded the Baltic with Russians and other Soviet ethnicities in a deliberate attempt to crush those nations, that Letts are outnumbered by Russophones in all of their 5 largest cities today, and Estonia's only very large city is half Russian. While trying to Russify those states ethnically, they also promoted the idea that the Lithuanian, Lett, and Estonian languages were "dying out", and they taught everyone Russian from kindergarten. There can not be a more blatent attempt to wipe out a People except if they had all been massacred by the bullet (Though they did plenty of that too). Truly, those Peoples may have faded into the Russian fold in time, had 1991 not occured. BTW, Putin is on record as saying that Russia allowing the Baltic states independence in 1991 was, quote, "a mistake".