
Saturday, November 13, 2010

UK Parliament is Rotten to the Core

This culture of deception became a perfectly normal instrument of government under New Labour, and, in due course, I documented hundreds of examples in my book, The Rise of Political Lying. One of the worst cases was Tony Blair’s notorious dossier of September 2002 which made the case for the Iraq War. Had this document been an offer-for-sale prospectus, Blair’s fatal tendency to convert speculation into incontrovertible fact would have invited the attention of the fraud squad.

The toleration of deceit carried on for years after the Iraq invasion, reaching its culmination with last year’s expenses scandal, when this newspaper disclosed the appalling truth that the House of Commons itself was engaged in a gigantic conspiracy to steal from the British taxpayer. The scale of the fraud was so audacious that our leading politicians had no choice but to acknowledge that something had gone horribly wrong.

To his credit, David Cameron responded with a promise to restore trust in British politics. Six months have now passed – enough time to make a preliminary judgment on how the Prime Minister is carrying out this task. Sadly, the conclusion must be that little has changed.'


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