
Monday, November 15, 2010

1 comment:

  1. All in all the signs read 'out of control' everywhere to be seen by all in the light of day which the night of day shall never control,
    indicating that this is the sign of a time of the end of a time to bid farewell, farewell, and good riddance to it.

    As for my sign l don't know what to say on it....except.

    "The Smoking Gun That Icke Is Right"
    "Living Proof Icke Is Right"
    "The Conformation that Icke Is Right"

    as l am, no one can take me on with the unrestricted evidence l would present with the odyssey taken on a path with signs that point to the written word....light.

    We'll live in a hidden place
    We'll be in a hidden place
    Darkness will come
    Darkness will fall
    Sunshine shine on shine on you

    All was written out for me l just had to play
    the part in life and find my reason to be here, pretty successful l was too in spirit.

    With the bigger picture thats whats going on too as we look for change, l think.


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.