The general election – why are you electing a new general - a general over what you might ask? It is very simple. Maybe you are electing a new general over the legion(s). The truth is you are not electing anyone and it has all been sorted out in advance, because it would never be allowed to be down to just CHANCE!! The election is nothing more than a stage show to make you think you live in a democracy and you think by voting you are taking part. Sorry complete rubbish! Only those of society ‘citizens’ live in a democracy and they don’t even get a say, they just do the bidding and the mp’s have the lowest status within that society that is why they are called the ‘commoners’. As for the rest of us, well we are just slaves who are not asked, but TOLD! When they come up with some new crackpot law are you asked if you would like to comply or are you forced to comply by the lawmaker’s private political army called the ‘police’? It is a very simple question that only has one answer!! When they come up with some new tax or regulation again are you asked or told - are you ever asked if you would like these new laws, taxes and regulations or again are you told? And after knowing these facts as everybody does, as it is obvious, I am still amazed at how many people are still hood winked by this sham and actually believe they have a voice through voting. How can you have a voice in something that is completely orchestrated before it even begins? They even make you think you are a ‘citizen’ by calling you this and giving you agencies such as the citizen advice bureau, but when you cut to the chase you are nothing more than a slave to them as the above points prove. A citizen is a member of a political community and that is why they need you to believe you are a citizen, to maintain you believe in politics, to maintain things stay as they are. Slaves did not nor will ever have citizenship within a political community unless; you are of standing, position or status and work in a certain position within the ‘state’. Again citizens are asked, slaves are told, are you asked or told?
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