
Monday, July 26, 2010

‘Minority Report’ Technology Used by Police to Predict Crimes

Two police forces have begun trialling the sophisticated programme, which has echoes of the Tom Cruise film Minority Report, where psychics are used to stop criminals before they commit a crime.

The system, known as Crush (Criminal Reduction Utilising Statistical History) evaluates crime records, intelligence briefings, offender profiles and even weather reports, to identify potential flashpoints where a crime is most likely to occur.'


1 comment:

  1. A lot of what is shown in films is stuff that is already happening in the real world. If only people could get past it being just entertainment.

    I was watching some clips from Terminator in a music video recently and that is just so scary, the possibility of robots walking around under human skin. It may already be happening as you can rule nothing out.

    Besides, some people already have robotic limbs and so on.

    Anyway, there is such a thing as psychic ability, so not really so surprising.


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