
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Explosion at California Water Fuel Research Company Kills Inventor

Realm Industries in Ventura County, California, which is working on a water fuel technology, was rocked by an explosion Thursday at 480 E. Easy Street.

According to the Ventura County Star, authorities were told it was a water-based explosion, and that the company’s work involved extracting hydrogen from water to make fuel. The company's patent applications relate to equipment and ways to generate energy from fluids such as water that can be used as an alternative fuel source.

Two people in the facility were uninjured, but one person was killed in the blast, which blew a hole in the roof. Initially, three were thought to have been injured. Authorities are calling the incident an accident.

By coincidence, the Simi Valley police SWAT team was just down the street on a training exercise when the explosion occurred and the officers were able to arrive on the scene within moments and remove the other workers.'


Always seems to be some sort of drill going on just accross the street when these things happen, I wonder what else the SWAT team removed!!

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