
Monday, August 02, 2010

The Impact of British Colonial Status on the U.S.

The consequences of our Colonial status with Great Britain can be seen in our National Debt (13 trillion dollars and growing), most of which is debt owed to the Bank of England and the Rothschilds. It can also be seen in our high tax rates and the establishment of the Internal Revenue Service, which was created the same time as the Federal Reserve Act. The IRS is the Bank of England's interest collection agency. In other words, we pay tribute to our Queen and her minions every time we collect a paycheck, and once a year when we fill out our income tax return.

Even more shocking is the fact that our armed forces, in reality, also serve the interests of the Crown. This is evidenced by our involvement in Afghanistan, where we are fighting to protect Her Majesty's Royal opium fields. The Opium Trade which was, at one time, under the jurisdiction of British-American tobacco (heavy emphasis on the British).

This can also be seen in British Petroleum's ownership (in partnership with China) of the oil fields in conquered Iraq (Source). In fact, the U.S. is receiving minimal benefits from the war in Iraq, thanks to our colonial status with Great Britain (Source). We provide the soldiers, the hardware and the bloodshed, they provide the ability to cash in on our sacrifice and the murder of millions of innocent civilians.'


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